No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
1#pragma once
3#include "MRId.h"
4#include "MRVector.h"
5#include "MRBitSet.h"
6#include "MRPartMapping.h"
7#include "MRMeshTriPoint.h"
9#include "MRExpected.h"
10#include <fstream>
12namespace MR
21 [[nodiscard]] MRMESH_API EdgeId makeEdge();
24 [[nodiscard]] MRMESH_API bool isLoneEdge( EdgeId a ) const;
27 [[nodiscard]] MRMESH_API EdgeId lastNotLoneEdge() const;
30 MRMESH_API void excludeLoneEdges( UndirectedEdgeBitSet & edges ) const;
33 [[nodiscard]] size_t edgeSize() const { return edges_.size(); }
36 [[nodiscard]] size_t edgeCapacity() const { return edges_.capacity(); }
39 [[nodiscard]] size_t undirectedEdgeSize() const { return edges_.size() >> 1; }
42 [[nodiscard]] size_t undirectedEdgeCapacity() const { return edges_.capacity() >> 1; }
45 [[nodiscard]] MRMESH_API size_t computeNotLoneUndirectedEdges() const;
48 [[nodiscard]] MRMESH_API UndirectedEdgeBitSet findNotLoneUndirectedEdges() const;
51 void edgeReserve( size_t newCapacity ) { edges_.reserve( newCapacity ); }
54 [[nodiscard]] bool hasEdge( EdgeId e ) const { assert( e.valid() ); return e < (int)edgeSize() && !isLoneEdge( e ); }
57 [[nodiscard]] MRMESH_API size_t heapBytes() const;
71 [[nodiscard]] EdgeId next( EdgeId he ) const { assert(he.valid()); return edges_[he].next; }
74 [[nodiscard]] EdgeId prev( EdgeId he ) const { assert(he.valid()); return edges_[he].prev; }
77 [[nodiscard]] VertId org( EdgeId he ) const { assert(he.valid()); return edges_[he].org; }
80 [[nodiscard]] VertId dest( EdgeId he ) const { assert(he.valid()); return edges_[he.sym()].org; }
83 [[nodiscard]] FaceId left( EdgeId he ) const { assert(he.valid()); return edges_[he].left; }
86 [[nodiscard]] FaceId right( EdgeId he ) const { assert(he.valid()); return edges_[he.sym()].left; }
99 [[nodiscard]] MRMESH_API bool fromSameOriginRing( EdgeId a, EdgeId b ) const;
102 [[nodiscard]] MRMESH_API bool fromSameLeftRing( EdgeId a, EdgeId b ) const;
106 [[nodiscard]] MRMESH_API int getOrgDegree( EdgeId a ) const;
109 [[nodiscard]] int getVertDegree( VertId v ) const { return getOrgDegree( edgeWithOrg( v ) ); }
112 [[nodiscard]] MRMESH_API int getLeftDegree( EdgeId a ) const;
115 [[nodiscard]] int getFaceDegree( FaceId f ) const { return getLeftDegree( edgeWithLeft( f ) ); }
118 [[nodiscard]] MRMESH_API bool isLeftTri( EdgeId a ) const;
122 void getTriVerts( FaceId f, VertId & v0, VertId & v1, VertId & v2 ) const { getLeftTriVerts( edgeWithLeft( f ), v0, v1, v2 ); }
123 void getTriVerts( FaceId f, VertId (&v)[3] ) const { getLeftTriVerts( edgeWithLeft( f ), v ); }
124 void getTriVerts( FaceId f, ThreeVertIds & v ) const { getLeftTriVerts( edgeWithLeft( f ), v ); }
125 [[nodiscard]] ThreeVertIds getTriVerts( FaceId f ) const { return getLeftTriVerts( edgeWithLeft( f ) ); }
128 [[nodiscard]] MRMESH_API std::vector<ThreeVertIds> getAllTriVerts() const;
136 MRMESH_API void getLeftTriVerts( EdgeId a, VertId & v0, VertId & v1, VertId & v2 ) const;
137 void getLeftTriVerts( EdgeId a, VertId (&v)[3] ) const { getLeftTriVerts( a, v[0], v[1], v[2] ); }
138 void getLeftTriVerts( EdgeId a, ThreeVertIds & v ) const { getLeftTriVerts( a, v[0], v[1], v[2] ); }
139 [[nodiscard]] ThreeVertIds getLeftTriVerts( EdgeId a ) const { ThreeVertIds v; getLeftTriVerts( a, v[0], v[1], v[2] ); return v; }
145 template <typename T>
146 void forEachVertex( const MeshTriPoint & p, T && callback ) const;
150 MRMESH_API void getTriEdges( FaceId f, EdgeId & e0, EdgeId & e1, EdgeId & e2 ) const;
151 void getTriEdges( FaceId f, EdgeId (&e)[3] ) const { getTriEdges( f, e[0], e[1], e[2] ); }
154 [[nodiscard]] MRMESH_API bool isLeftQuad( EdgeId a ) const;
157 [[nodiscard]] const Vector<EdgeId, VertId> & edgePerVertex() const { return edgePerVertex_; }
160 [[nodiscard]] EdgeId edgeWithOrg( VertId a ) const { assert( a.valid() ); return a < int(edgePerVertex_.size()) ? edgePerVertex_[a] : EdgeId(); }
163 [[nodiscard]] bool hasVert( VertId a ) const { assert( updateValids_ ); return validVerts_.test( a ); }
166 [[nodiscard]] int numValidVerts() const { assert( updateValids_ ); return numValidVerts_; }
169 [[nodiscard]] MRMESH_API VertId lastValidVert() const;
172 [[nodiscard]] VertId addVertId() { edgePerVertex_.emplace_back(); if ( updateValids_ ) { validVerts_.push_back( false ); } return edgePerVertex_.backId(); }
175 MRMESH_API void vertResize( size_t newSize );
178 MRMESH_API void vertResizeWithReserve( size_t newSize );
181 void vertReserve( size_t newCapacity ) { edgePerVertex_.reserve( newCapacity ); if ( updateValids_ ) { validVerts_.reserve( newCapacity ); } }
184 [[nodiscard]] size_t vertSize() const { return edgePerVertex_.size(); }
187 [[nodiscard]] size_t vertCapacity() const { return edgePerVertex_.capacity(); }
190 [[nodiscard]] const VertBitSet & getValidVerts() const { assert( updateValids_ ); return validVerts_; }
193 void flip( VertBitSet & vs ) const { vs = getValidVerts() - vs; }
196 [[nodiscard]] const VertBitSet & getVertIds( const VertBitSet * region ) const
197 {
198 assert( region || updateValids_ ); // region shall be either given on input or maintained in validVerts_
199 assert( !updateValids_ || !region || ( *region - validVerts_ ).none() ); // if region is given and all valid vertices are known, then region must be a subset of them
200 return region ? *region : validVerts_;
201 }
205 [[nodiscard]] const Vector<EdgeId, FaceId> & edgePerFace() const { return edgePerFace_; }
208 [[nodiscard]] EdgeId edgeWithLeft( FaceId a ) const { assert( a.valid() ); return a < int(edgePerFace_.size()) ? edgePerFace_[a] : EdgeId(); }
211 [[nodiscard]] bool hasFace( FaceId a ) const { assert( updateValids_ ); return validFaces_.test( a ); }
214 [[nodiscard]] MRMESH_API EdgeId sharedEdge( FaceId l, FaceId r ) const;
217 [[nodiscard]] MRMESH_API EdgeId sharedVertInOrg( EdgeId a, EdgeId b ) const;
220 [[nodiscard]] MRMESH_API EdgeId sharedVertInOrg( FaceId l, FaceId r ) const;
223 [[nodiscard]] MRMESH_API FaceId sharedFace( EdgeId a, EdgeId b ) const;
226 [[nodiscard]] int numValidFaces() const { assert( updateValids_ ); return numValidFaces_; }
229 [[nodiscard]] MRMESH_API FaceId lastValidFace() const;
232 [[nodiscard]] FaceId addFaceId() { edgePerFace_.emplace_back(); if ( updateValids_ ) { validFaces_.push_back( false ); } return edgePerFace_.backId(); }
235 MRMESH_API void deleteFace( FaceId f, const UndirectedEdgeBitSet * keepEdges = nullptr );
238 MRMESH_API void deleteFaces( const FaceBitSet & fs, const UndirectedEdgeBitSet * keepEdges = nullptr );
241 MRMESH_API void faceResize( size_t newSize );
244 MRMESH_API void faceResizeWithReserve( size_t newSize );
247 void faceReserve( size_t newCapacity ) { edgePerFace_.reserve( newCapacity ); if ( updateValids_ ) { validFaces_.reserve( newCapacity ); } }
250 [[nodiscard]] size_t faceSize() const { return edgePerFace_.size(); }
253 [[nodiscard]] size_t faceCapacity() const { return edgePerFace_.capacity(); }
256 [[nodiscard]] const FaceBitSet & getValidFaces() const { assert( updateValids_ ); return validFaces_; }
259 void flip( FaceBitSet & fs ) const { fs = getValidFaces() - fs; }
262 [[nodiscard]] const FaceBitSet & getFaceIds( const FaceBitSet * region ) const
263 {
264 assert( region || updateValids_ ); // region shall be either given on input or maintained in validFaces_
265 assert( !updateValids_ || !region || ( *region - validFaces_ ).none() ); // if region is given and all valid faces are known, then region must be a subset of them
266 return region ? *region : validFaces_;
267 }
271 [[nodiscard]] MRMESH_API EdgeId bdEdgeSameLeft( EdgeId e, const FaceBitSet * region = nullptr ) const;
274 [[nodiscard]] bool isBdVertexInLeft( EdgeId e, const FaceBitSet * region = nullptr ) const { return bdEdgeSameLeft( e, region ).valid(); }
278 [[nodiscard]] EdgeId bdEdgeWithLeft( FaceId f, const FaceBitSet * region = nullptr ) const { return bdEdgeSameLeft( edgeWithLeft( f ), region ); }
281 [[nodiscard]] bool isBdFace( FaceId f, const FaceBitSet * region = nullptr ) const { return isBdVertexInLeft( edgeWithLeft( f ), region ); }
285 [[nodiscard]] bool isLeftInRegion( EdgeId e, const FaceBitSet * region = nullptr ) const { return contains( region, left( e ) ); }
288 [[nodiscard]] bool isInnerEdge( EdgeId e, const FaceBitSet * region = nullptr ) const { return isLeftInRegion( e, region ) && isLeftInRegion( e.sym(), region ); }
291 [[nodiscard]] bool isBdEdge( EdgeId e, const FaceBitSet * region = nullptr ) const { return isLeftInRegion( e, region ) != isLeftInRegion( e.sym(), region ); }
295 [[nodiscard]] MRMESH_API EdgeId bdEdgeSameOrigin( EdgeId e, const FaceBitSet * region = nullptr ) const;
298 [[nodiscard]] bool isBdVertexInOrg( EdgeId e, const FaceBitSet * region = nullptr ) const { return bdEdgeSameOrigin( e, region ).valid(); }
302 [[nodiscard]] EdgeId bdEdgeWithOrigin( VertId v, const FaceBitSet * region = nullptr ) const { return bdEdgeSameOrigin( edgeWithOrg( v ), region ); }
305 [[nodiscard]] bool isBdVertex( VertId v, const FaceBitSet * region = nullptr ) const { return isBdVertexInOrg( edgeWithOrg( v ), region ); }
308 [[nodiscard]] MRMESH_API bool isInnerOrBdVertex( VertId v, const FaceBitSet * region = nullptr ) const;
311 [[nodiscard]] bool isLeftBdEdge( EdgeId e, const FaceBitSet * region = nullptr ) const { return region ? ( isLeftInRegion( e, region ) && !isLeftInRegion( e.sym(), region ) ) : !right( e ); }
314 [[nodiscard]] bool isInnerOrBdEdge( EdgeId e, const FaceBitSet * region = nullptr ) const { return isLeftInRegion( e, region ) || isLeftInRegion( e.sym(), region ); }
317 [[nodiscard]] MRMESH_API EdgeId nextLeftBd( EdgeId e, const FaceBitSet * region = nullptr ) const;
320 [[nodiscard]] MRMESH_API EdgeId prevLeftBd( EdgeId e, const FaceBitSet * region = nullptr ) const;
324 [[nodiscard]] MRMESH_API EdgeId findEdge( VertId o, VertId d ) const;
327 [[nodiscard]] MRMESH_API bool isClosed( const FaceBitSet * region = nullptr ) const;
330 [[nodiscard]] MRMESH_API std::vector<EdgeId> findHoleRepresentiveEdges() const;
334 [[nodiscard]] MRMESH_API int findNumHoles( EdgeBitSet * holeRepresentativeEdges = nullptr ) const;
337 [[nodiscard]] MRMESH_API EdgeLoop getLeftRing( EdgeId e ) const;
341 [[nodiscard]] MRMESH_API std::vector<EdgeLoop> getLeftRings( const std::vector<EdgeId> & es ) const;
344 [[nodiscard]] MRMESH_API EdgeBitSet findBoundaryEdges() const;
348 [[nodiscard]] MRMESH_API FaceBitSet findBoundaryFaces( const FaceBitSet * region = nullptr ) const;
352 [[nodiscard]] MRMESH_API VertBitSet findBoundaryVerts( const VertBitSet * region = nullptr ) const;
356 [[nodiscard]] MRMESH_API VertBitSet getPathVertices( const EdgePath & path ) const;
359 [[nodiscard]] MRMESH_API FaceBitSet getPathLeftFaces( const EdgePath & path ) const;
362 [[nodiscard]] MRMESH_API FaceBitSet getPathRightFaces( const EdgePath & path ) const;
371 template<typename T>
372 void flipEdgesIn( EdgeId e0, T && flipNeeded );
376 template<typename T>
377 void flipEdgesIn( VertId v, T && flipNeeded ) { flipEdgesIn( edgeWithOrg( v ), std::forward<T>( flipNeeded ) ); }
381 template<typename T>
382 void flipEdgesOut( EdgeId e0, T && flipNeeded );
386 template<typename T>
387 void flipEdgesOut( VertId v, T && flipNeeded ) { flipEdgesOut( edgeWithOrg( v ), std::forward<T>( flipNeeded ) ); }
397 MRMESH_API EdgeId splitEdge( EdgeId e, FaceBitSet * region = nullptr, FaceHashMap * new2Old = nullptr );
402 MRMESH_API VertId splitFace( FaceId f, FaceBitSet * region = nullptr, FaceHashMap * new2Old = nullptr );
408 MRMESH_API void flipOrientation( const UndirectedEdgeBitSet * fullComponents = nullptr );
415 MRMESH_API void addPart( const MeshTopology & from,
416 FaceMap * outFmap = nullptr, VertMap * outVmap = nullptr, WholeEdgeMap * outEmap = nullptr, bool rearrangeTriangles = false );
419 MRMESH_API void addPartByMask( const MeshTopology & from, const FaceBitSet & fromFaces, const PartMapping & map );
425 MRMESH_API void addPartByMask( const MeshTopology & from, const FaceBitSet & fromFaces, bool flipOrientation = false,
426 const std::vector<EdgePath> & thisContours = {}, const std::vector<EdgePath> & fromContours = {},
427 const PartMapping & map = {} );
430 MRMESH_API void addPartByFaceMap( const MeshTopology & from, const FaceMap & fromFaces, bool flipOrientation = false,
431 const std::vector<EdgePath> & thisContours = {}, const std::vector<EdgePath> & fromContours = {},
432 const PartMapping & map = {} );
435 template<typename I>
436 MRMESH_API void addPartBy( const MeshTopology & from, I fbegin, I fend, size_t fcount, bool flipOrientation = false,
437 const std::vector<EdgePath> & thisContours = {},
438 const std::vector<EdgePath> & fromContours = {},
439 const PartMapping & map = {} );
449 MRMESH_API void pack( FaceMap * outFmap = nullptr, VertMap * outVmap = nullptr, WholeEdgeMap * outEmap = nullptr, bool rearrangeTriangles = false );
453 MRMESH_API void pack( const PackMapping & map );
458 MRMESH_API void packMinMem( const PackMapping & map );
462 MRMESH_API void write( std::ostream & s ) const;
466 MRMESH_API Expected<void> read( std::istream& s, ProgressCallback callback = {} );
469 [[nodiscard]] MRMESH_API bool operator ==( const MeshTopology & b ) const;
479 MRMESH_API void addPackedPart( const MeshTopology & from, EdgeId toEdgeId,
480 const FaceMap & fmap, const VertMap & vmap );
492 [[nodiscard]] bool updatingValids() const { return updateValids_; }
496 MRMESH_API void preferEdges( const UndirectedEdgeBitSet & stableEdges );
498 // constructs triangular grid mesh topology in parallel
499 MRMESH_API bool buildGridMesh( const GridSettings& settings, ProgressCallback cb = {} );
503 MRMESH_API bool checkValidity( ProgressCallback cb = {}, bool allVerts = true ) const;
506 friend class MeshDiff;
510 MRMESH_API void computeAllFromEdges_();
514 void setOrg_( EdgeId a, VertId v );
517 void setLeft_( EdgeId a, FaceId f );
520 struct HalfEdgeRecord
521 {
522 EdgeId next;
523 EdgeId prev;
524 VertId org;
525 FaceId left;
527 bool operator ==( const HalfEdgeRecord& b ) const
528 {
529 return next == && prev == b.prev && org == && left == b.left;
530 }
531 HalfEdgeRecord() noexcept = default;
532 explicit HalfEdgeRecord( NoInit ) noexcept : next( noInit ), prev( noInit ), org( noInit ), left( noInit ) {}
533 };
535 void translateNoFlip_( HalfEdgeRecord & r,
536 const FaceMap & fmap, const VertMap & vmap, const WholeEdgeMap & emap ) const;
537 void translate_( HalfEdgeRecord & r, HalfEdgeRecord & rsym,
538 const FaceMap & fmap, const VertMap & vmap, const WholeEdgeMap & emap, bool flipOrientation ) const;
539 void translateNoFlip_( HalfEdgeRecord & r,
540 const FaceHashMap & fmap, const VertHashMap & vmap, const WholeEdgeHashMap & emap ) const;
541 void translate_( HalfEdgeRecord & r, HalfEdgeRecord & rsym,
542 const FaceHashMap & fmap, const VertHashMap & vmap, const WholeEdgeHashMap & emap, bool flipOrientation ) const;
545 Vector<HalfEdgeRecord, EdgeId> edges_;
548 Vector<EdgeId, VertId> edgePerVertex_;
549 VertBitSet validVerts_;
552 Vector<EdgeId, FaceId> edgePerFace_;
553 FaceBitSet validFaces_;
555 int numValidVerts_ = 0;
556 int numValidFaces_ = 0;
558 bool updateValids_ = true;
561template <typename T>
562void MeshTopology::forEachVertex( const MeshTriPoint & p, T && callback ) const
564 if ( auto v = p.inVertex( *this ) )
565 {
566 callback( v );
567 return;
568 }
569 if ( auto e = p.onEdge( *this ) )
570 {
571 callback( org( e.e ) );
572 callback( dest( e.e ) );
573 return;
574 }
576 VertId v[3];
577 getLeftTriVerts( p.e, v );
578 for ( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
579 callback( v[i] );
582template<typename T>
583void MeshTopology::flipEdgesIn( const EdgeId e0, T && flipNeeded )
585 EdgeId e = e0;
586 for (;;)
587 {
588 auto testEdge = prev( e.sym() );
589 if ( left( testEdge ) && right( testEdge ) && flipNeeded( testEdge ) )
590 flipEdge( testEdge );
591 else
592 {
593 e = next( e );
594 if ( e == e0 )
595 break; // full ring has been inspected
596 }
597 }
600template<typename T>
601void MeshTopology::flipEdgesOut( EdgeId e0, T && flipNeeded )
603 EdgeId e = e0;
604 for (;;)
605 {
606 if ( left( e ) && right( e ) && flipNeeded( e ) )
607 {
608 e0 = next( e );
609 flipEdge( e );
610 e = e0;
611 }
612 else
613 {
614 e = next( e );
615 if ( e == e0 )
616 break; // full ring has been inspected
617 }
618 }
621// rearrange vector values by map ( ->
622template<typename T, typename I>
623[[nodiscard]] Vector<T, I> rearrangeVectorByMap( const Vector<T, I>& oldVector, const BMap<I, I>& map )
625 Vector<T, I> newVector;
626 newVector.resize( map.tsize );
628 const auto& mData =;
629 const auto sz = std::min( oldVector.size(), map.b.size() );
630 for ( I i = I(0); i < sz; ++i)
631 {
632 I newV = mData[i];
633 if ( newV.valid() )
634 newVector[newV] = oldVector[i];
635 }
636 return newVector;
641} // namespace MR
List< ThreeVertIds > Triangulation
Definition MRDotNet/MRMeshFwd.h:69
int VertId
Definition MRDotNet/MRMeshFwd.h:51
List< VertId > VertMap
Definition MRDotNet/MRMeshFwd.h:84
int FaceId
Definition MRDotNet/MRMeshFwd.h:53
int EdgeId
Definition MRDotNet/MRMeshFwd.h:52
List< FaceId > FaceMap
Definition MRDotNet/MRMeshFwd.h:87
#define MRMESH_API
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshFwd.h:46
Definition MRDotNet/MRBitSet.h:39
auto size() const
Definition MRBuffer.h:66
auto data()
Definition MRBuffer.h:97
Definition MRMeshDiff.h:13
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshTopology.h:18
MRMESH_API EdgeLoop getLeftRing(EdgeId e) const
returns full edge-loop of left face from (e) starting from (e) itself
void flipEdgesIn(EdgeId e0, T &&flipNeeded)
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshTopology.h:583
size_t faceCapacity() const
returns the number of allocated face records
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshTopology.h:253
MRMESH_API void addPartByFaceMap(const MeshTopology &from, const FaceMap &fromFaces, bool flipOrientation=false, const std::vector< EdgePath > &thisContours={}, const std::vector< EdgePath > &fromContours={}, const PartMapping &map={})
fromFaces contains mapping from this-topology (considering it is empty) to from-topology
VertId addVertId()
creates new vert-id not associated with any edge yet
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshTopology.h:172
MRMESH_API void splice(EdgeId a, EdgeId b)
MRMESH_API bool fromSameLeftRing(EdgeId a, EdgeId b) const
returns true if a and b are both from the same left face ring
MRMESH_API std::vector< ThreeVertIds > getAllTriVerts() const
returns three vertex ids for valid triangles, invalid triangles are skipped
MRMESH_API EdgeId bdEdgeSameLeft(EdgeId e, const FaceBitSet *region=nullptr) const
void getTriVerts(FaceId f, VertId &v0, VertId &v1, VertId &v2) const
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshTopology.h:122
MRMESH_API void resizeBeforeParallelAdd(size_t edgeSize, size_t vertSize, size_t faceSize)
MRMESH_API EdgeId sharedVertInOrg(EdgeId a, EdgeId b) const
if two valid edges share the same vertex then it is found and returned as Edge with this vertex in or...
MRMESH_API FaceBitSet findBoundaryFaces(const FaceBitSet *region=nullptr) const
MRMESH_API void getLeftTriVerts(EdgeId a, VertId &v0, VertId &v1, VertId &v2) const
MRMESH_API EdgeId lastNotLoneEdge() const
returns last not lone edge id, or invalid id if no such edge exists
MRMESH_API void faceResizeWithReserve(size_t newSize)
explicitly increases the size of faces vector, doubling the current capacity if it was not enough
MRMESH_API bool fromSameOriginRing(EdgeId a, EdgeId b) const
returns true if a and b are both from the same origin ring
void getLeftTriVerts(EdgeId a, VertId(&v)[3]) const
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshTopology.h:137
MRMESH_API EdgeId prevLeftBd(EdgeId e, const FaceBitSet *region=nullptr) const
given a (region) boundary edge with no right face in given region, returns previous boundary edge for...
void flipEdgesOut(EdgeId e0, T &&flipNeeded)
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshTopology.h:601
void faceReserve(size_t newCapacity)
sets the capacity of faces vector
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshTopology.h:247
bool isLeftInRegion(EdgeId e, const FaceBitSet *region=nullptr) const
return true if left face of given edge belongs to region (or just have valid id if region is nullptr)
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshTopology.h:285
MRMESH_API EdgeBitSet findBoundaryEdges() const
returns all boundary edges, where each edge does not have valid left face
size_t vertSize() const
returns the number of vertex records including invalid ones
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshTopology.h:184
MRMESH_API void pack(FaceMap *outFmap=nullptr, VertMap *outVmap=nullptr, WholeEdgeMap *outEmap=nullptr, bool rearrangeTriangles=false)
EdgeId next(EdgeId he) const
next (counter clock wise) half-edge in the origin ring
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshTopology.h:71
MRMESH_API FaceId sharedFace(EdgeId a, EdgeId b) const
if two valid edges belong to same valid face then it is found and returned
int getVertDegree(VertId v) const
returns the number of edges around the given vertex
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshTopology.h:109
EdgeId bdEdgeWithOrigin(VertId v, const FaceBitSet *region=nullptr) const
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshTopology.h:302
bool isBdEdge(EdgeId e, const FaceBitSet *region=nullptr) const
return true if given edge is boundary for given region (or for whole mesh if region is nullptr)
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshTopology.h:291
bool hasVert(VertId a) const
returns true if given vertex is present in the mesh
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshTopology.h:163
FaceId left(EdgeId he) const
returns left face of half-edge
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshTopology.h:83
const Vector< EdgeId, VertId > & edgePerVertex() const
for all valid vertices this vector contains an edge with the origin there
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshTopology.h:157
MRMESH_API void setLeft(EdgeId a, FaceId f)
MRMESH_API void getTriEdges(FaceId f, EdgeId &e0, EdgeId &e1, EdgeId &e2) const
MRMESH_API VertBitSet findBoundaryVerts(const VertBitSet *region=nullptr) const
MRMESH_API void vertResize(size_t newSize)
explicitly increases the size of vertices vector
EdgeId bdEdgeWithLeft(FaceId f, const FaceBitSet *region=nullptr) const
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshTopology.h:278
MRMESH_API bool isLeftTri(EdgeId a) const
returns true if the cell to the left of a is triangular
MRMESH_API void flipEdge(EdgeId e)
MRMESH_API int findNumHoles(EdgeBitSet *holeRepresentativeEdges=nullptr) const
VertId dest(EdgeId he) const
returns destination vertex of half-edge
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshTopology.h:80
MRMESH_API bool isLeftQuad(EdgeId a) const
returns true if the cell to the left of a is quadrangular
bool updatingValids() const
returns whether the methods validVerts(), validFaces(), numValidVerts(), numValidFaces() can be calle...
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshTopology.h:492
MRMESH_API EdgeId sharedVertInOrg(FaceId l, FaceId r) const
if two valid faces share the same vertex then it is found and returned as Edge with this vertex in or...
bool isBdVertexInLeft(EdgeId e, const FaceBitSet *region=nullptr) const
returns true if edge's left is on (region) boundary
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshTopology.h:274
MRMESH_API void preferEdges(const UndirectedEdgeBitSet &stableEdges)
MRMESH_API void stopUpdatingValids()
stops updating validVerts(), validFaces(), numValidVerts(), numValidFaces() for parallel processing o...
MRMESH_API size_t heapBytes() const
returns the amount of memory this object occupies on heap
MRMESH_API EdgeId findEdge(VertId o, VertId d) const
finds and returns edge from o to d in the mesh; returns invalid edge otherwise
MRMESH_API bool operator==(const MeshTopology &b) const
compare that two topologies are exactly the same
MRMESH_API void rotateTriangles()
for each triangle selects edgeWithLeft with minimal origin vertex
bool hasFace(FaceId a) const
returns true if given face is present in the mesh
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshTopology.h:211
MRMESH_API void shrinkToFit()
requests the removal of unused capacity
MRMESH_API VertId lastValidVert() const
returns last valid vertex id, or invalid id if no single valid vertex exists
size_t edgeSize() const
returns the number of half-edge records including lone ones
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshTopology.h:33
MRMESH_API bool computeValidsFromEdges(ProgressCallback cb={})
MRMESH_API EdgeId makeEdge()
creates an edge not associated with any vertex or face
MRMESH_API void flipOrientation(const UndirectedEdgeBitSet *fullComponents=nullptr)
MRMESH_API EdgeId bdEdgeSameOrigin(EdgeId e, const FaceBitSet *region=nullptr) const
bool isInnerOrBdEdge(EdgeId e, const FaceBitSet *region=nullptr) const
return true if given edge is inner or boundary for given region (or for whole mesh if region is nullp...
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshTopology.h:314
MRMESH_API void write(std::ostream &s) const
saves in binary stream
int getFaceDegree(FaceId f) const
returns the number of edges around the given face: 3 for triangular faces, ...
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshTopology.h:115
bool isBdFace(FaceId f, const FaceBitSet *region=nullptr) const
returns true if given face is on (region) boundary
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshTopology.h:281
bool isLeftBdEdge(EdgeId e, const FaceBitSet *region=nullptr) const
returns true if left face of given edge belongs to given region (if provided) and right face either d...
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshTopology.h:311
int numValidVerts() const
returns the number of valid vertices
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshTopology.h:166
VertId org(EdgeId he) const
returns origin vertex of half-edge
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshTopology.h:77
MRMESH_API std::vector< EdgeLoop > getLeftRings(const std::vector< EdgeId > &es) const
EdgeId edgeWithLeft(FaceId a) const
returns valid edge if given vertex is present in the mesh
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshTopology.h:208
MRMESH_API bool isLoneEdge(EdgeId a) const
checks whether the edge is disconnected from all other edges and disassociated from all vertices and ...
void flipEdgesIn(VertId v, T &&flipNeeded)
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshTopology.h:377
EdgeId prev(EdgeId he) const
previous (clock wise) half-edge in the origin ring
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshTopology.h:74
MRMESH_API FaceId lastValidFace() const
returns last valid face id, or invalid id if no single valid face exists
MRMESH_API VertId splitFace(FaceId f, FaceBitSet *region=nullptr, FaceHashMap *new2Old=nullptr)
void getTriEdges(FaceId f, EdgeId(&e)[3]) const
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshTopology.h:151
MRMESH_API void addPartBy(const MeshTopology &from, I fbegin, I fend, size_t fcount, bool flipOrientation=false, const std::vector< EdgePath > &thisContours={}, const std::vector< EdgePath > &fromContours={}, const PartMapping &map={})
both addPartByMask and addPartByFaceMap call this general implementation
MRMESH_API bool checkValidity(ProgressCallback cb={}, bool allVerts=true) const
ThreeVertIds getTriVerts(FaceId f) const
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshTopology.h:125
MRMESH_API int getLeftDegree(EdgeId a) const
returns the number of edges around the left face: 3 for triangular faces, ...
MRMESH_API void pack(const PackMapping &map)
MRMESH_API EdgeId splitEdge(EdgeId e, FaceBitSet *region=nullptr, FaceHashMap *new2Old=nullptr)
MRMESH_API void deleteFace(FaceId f, const UndirectedEdgeBitSet *keepEdges=nullptr)
deletes the face, also deletes its edges and vertices if they were not shared by other faces ant not ...
MRMESH_API UndirectedEdgeBitSet findNotLoneUndirectedEdges() const
finds and returns all not-lone (valid) undirected edges
bool isInnerEdge(EdgeId e, const FaceBitSet *region=nullptr) const
return true if given edge is inner for given region (or for whole mesh if region is nullptr)
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshTopology.h:288
size_t edgeCapacity() const
returns the number of allocated edge records
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshTopology.h:36
int numValidFaces() const
returns the number of valid faces
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshTopology.h:226
MRMESH_API void setOrg(EdgeId a, VertId v)
MRMESH_API FaceBitSet getPathLeftFaces(const EdgePath &path) const
returns all valid left faces of path edges
MRMESH_API EdgeId sharedEdge(FaceId l, FaceId r) const
if two valid faces share the same edge then it is found and returned
MRMESH_API void addPartByMask(const MeshTopology &from, const FaceBitSet &fromFaces, bool flipOrientation=false, const std::vector< EdgePath > &thisContours={}, const std::vector< EdgePath > &fromContours={}, const PartMapping &map={})
EdgeId edgeWithOrg(VertId a) const
returns valid edge if given vertex is present in the mesh
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshTopology.h:160
size_t faceSize() const
returns the number of face records including invalid ones
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshTopology.h:250
void edgeReserve(size_t newCapacity)
sets the capacity of half-edges vector
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshTopology.h:51
void getLeftTriVerts(EdgeId a, ThreeVertIds &v) const
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshTopology.h:138
MRMESH_API void vertResizeWithReserve(size_t newSize)
explicitly increases the size of vertices vector, doubling the current capacity if it was not enough
MRMESH_API void addPackedPart(const MeshTopology &from, EdgeId toEdgeId, const FaceMap &fmap, const VertMap &vmap)
MRMESH_API FaceBitSet getPathRightFaces(const EdgePath &path) const
returns all valid right faces of path edges
MRMESH_API VertBitSet getPathVertices(const EdgePath &path) const
returns all vertices incident to path edges
MRMESH_API Triangulation getTriangulation() const
void forEachVertex(const MeshTriPoint &p, T &&callback) const
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshTopology.h:562
FaceId addFaceId()
creates new face-id not associated with any edge yet
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshTopology.h:232
void flipEdgesOut(VertId v, T &&flipNeeded)
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshTopology.h:387
MRMESH_API void addPart(const MeshTopology &from, FaceMap *outFmap=nullptr, VertMap *outVmap=nullptr, WholeEdgeMap *outEmap=nullptr, bool rearrangeTriangles=false)
MRMESH_API bool isClosed(const FaceBitSet *region=nullptr) const
returns true if the mesh (region) does not have any neighboring holes
MRMESH_API void addPartByMask(const MeshTopology &from, const FaceBitSet &fromFaces, const PartMapping &map)
the same but copies only portion of (from) specified by fromFaces,
MRMESH_API void deleteFaces(const FaceBitSet &fs, const UndirectedEdgeBitSet *keepEdges=nullptr)
deletes multiple given faces by calling deleteFace for each
MRMESH_API EdgeId nextLeftBd(EdgeId e, const FaceBitSet *region=nullptr) const
given a (region) boundary edge with no right face in given region, returns next boundary edge for the...
MRMESH_API void packMinMem(const PackMapping &map)
MRMESH_API std::vector< EdgeId > findHoleRepresentiveEdges() const
returns one edge with no valid left face for every boundary in the mesh
size_t undirectedEdgeSize() const
returns the number of undirected edges (pairs of half-edges) including lone ones
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshTopology.h:39
void vertReserve(size_t newCapacity)
sets the capacity of vertices vector
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshTopology.h:181
void flip(VertBitSet &vs) const
sets in (vs) all valid vertices that were not selected before the call, and resets other bits
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshTopology.h:193
MRMESH_API bool isInnerOrBdVertex(VertId v, const FaceBitSet *region=nullptr) const
returns true if one of incident faces of given vertex pertain to given region (or any such face exist...
void getTriVerts(FaceId f, ThreeVertIds &v) const
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshTopology.h:124
MRMESH_API Expected< void > read(std::istream &s, ProgressCallback callback={})
FaceId right(EdgeId he) const
returns right face of half-edge
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshTopology.h:86
MRMESH_API size_t computeNotLoneUndirectedEdges() const
computes the number of not-lone (valid) undirected edges
bool hasEdge(EdgeId e) const
returns true if given edge is within valid range and not-lone
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshTopology.h:54
const VertBitSet & getVertIds(const VertBitSet *region) const
if region pointer is not null then converts it in reference, otherwise returns all valid vertices in ...
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshTopology.h:196
MRMESH_API void excludeLoneEdges(UndirectedEdgeBitSet &edges) const
remove all lone edges from given set
const Vector< EdgeId, FaceId > & edgePerFace() const
for all valid faces this vector contains an edge with that face at left
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshTopology.h:205
bool isBdVertex(VertId v, const FaceBitSet *region=nullptr) const
returns true if given vertex is on (region) boundary
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshTopology.h:305
bool isBdVertexInOrg(EdgeId e, const FaceBitSet *region=nullptr) const
returns true if edge's origin is on (region) boundary
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshTopology.h:298
const VertBitSet & getValidVerts() const
returns cached set of all valid vertices
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshTopology.h:190
MRMESH_API int getOrgDegree(EdgeId a) const
returns the number of edges around the origin vertex, returns 1 for lone edges
size_t undirectedEdgeCapacity() const
returns the number of allocated undirected edges (pairs of half-edges)
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshTopology.h:42
void flip(FaceBitSet &fs) const
sets in (fs) all valid faces that were not selected before the call, and resets other bits
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshTopology.h:259
ThreeVertIds getLeftTriVerts(EdgeId a) const
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshTopology.h:139
MRMESH_API void faceResize(size_t newSize)
explicitly increases the size of faces vector
MRMESH_API bool buildGridMesh(const GridSettings &settings, ProgressCallback cb={})
const FaceBitSet & getValidFaces() const
returns cached set of all valid faces
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshTopology.h:256
const FaceBitSet & getFaceIds(const FaceBitSet *region) const
if region pointer is not null then converts it in reference, otherwise returns all valid faces in the...
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshTopology.h:262
void getTriVerts(FaceId f, VertId(&v)[3]) const
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshTopology.h:123
size_t vertCapacity() const
returns the number of allocated vert records
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshTopology.h:187
std::vector<T>-like container that requires specific indexing type,
Definition MRMesh/MRVector.h:19
std::size_t size() const
Definition MRMesh/MRVector.h:41
std::size_t capacity() const
Definition MRMesh/MRVector.h:58
void resize(size_t newSize) MR_REQUIRES_IF_SUPPORTED(std
Definition MRMesh/MRVector.h:43
void reserve(size_t capacity)
Definition MRMesh/MRVector.h:59
I backId() const
returns the identifier of the back() element
Definition MRMesh/MRVector.h:124
T & emplace_back(Args &&... args)
Definition MRMesh/MRVector.h:115
bool contains(const TaggedBitSet< T > *bitset, Id< T > id)
Definition MRMesh/MRBitSet.h:203
std::function< bool(float)> ProgressCallback
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshFwd.h:571
Definition MRCameraOrientationPlugin.h:8
std::vector< EdgeId > EdgeLoop
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshFwd.h:99
struct MRMESH_CLASS PartMapping
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshFwd.h:482
HashMap< VertId, VertId > VertHashMap
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshFwd.h:464
tl::expected< T, E > Expected
Definition MRExpected.h:58
MRMESH_API void loadMeshDll()
HashMap< UndirectedEdgeId, EdgeId > WholeEdgeHashMap
mapping of whole edges: map[e]->f, map[e.sym()]->f.sym(), where only map[e] for even edges is stored
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshFwd.h:468
HashMap< FaceId, FaceId > FaceHashMap
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshFwd.h:463
std::vector< EdgeId > EdgePath
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshFwd.h:98
constexpr NoInit noInit
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshFwd.h:57
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshFwd.h:88
Vector< T, I > rearrangeVectorByMap(const Vector< T, I > &oldVector, const BMap< I, I > &map)
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshTopology.h:623
flat map: I -> T
Definition MRBuffer.h:143
Buffer< T, I > b
Definition MRBuffer.h:144
size_t tsize
target size, all values inside b must be less than this value
Definition MRBuffer.h:145
settings defining regular grid, where each quadrangular cell is split on two triangles in one of two ...
Definition MRGridSettings.h:11
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshTriPoint.h:23
MRMESH_API MeshEdgePoint onEdge(const MeshTopology &topology) const
MRMESH_API VertId inVertex(const MeshTopology &topology) const
returns valid vertex id if the point is in vertex, otherwise returns invalid id
EdgeId e
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshTriPoint.h:24
Definition MRMesh/MRMeshFwd.h:56
Definition MRBuffer.h:151
Definition MRPartMapping.h:10
Definition MRDotNet/MRMeshFwd.h:56