No Matches


struct  MR::MeshComponents::LargeByAreaComponentsSettings


enum  MR::MeshComponents::FaceIncidence { MR::MeshComponents::PerEdge , MR::MeshComponents::PerVertex }
 Face incidence type. More...


MRMESH_API FaceBitSet MR::MeshComponents::getComponent (const MeshPart &meshPart, FaceId id, FaceIncidence incidence=FaceIncidence::PerEdge, const UndirectedEdgePredicate &isCompBd={})
MRMESH_API VertBitSet MR::MeshComponents::getComponentVerts (const Mesh &mesh, VertId id, const VertBitSet *region=nullptr)
MRMESH_API VertBitSet MR::MeshComponents::getLargestComponentVerts (const Mesh &mesh, const VertBitSet *region=nullptr)
 returns the largest by number of elements component
MRMESH_API VertBitSet MR::MeshComponents::getLargeComponentVerts (const Mesh &mesh, int minVerts, const VertBitSet *region=nullptr)
 returns the union of vertex connected components, each having at least
MRMESH_API FaceBitSet MR::MeshComponents::getLargestComponent (const MeshPart &meshPart, FaceIncidence incidence=FaceIncidence::PerEdge, const UndirectedEdgePredicate &isCompBd={}, float minArea=0, int *numSmallerComponents=nullptr)
 returns the largest by surface area component or empty set if its area is smaller than
MRMESH_API FaceBitSet MR::MeshComponents::getComponents (const MeshPart &meshPart, const FaceBitSet &seeds, FaceIncidence incidence=FaceIncidence::PerEdge, const UndirectedEdgePredicate &isCompBd={})
 returns union of connected components, each of which contains at least one seed face
MRMESH_API FaceBitSet MR::MeshComponents::getLargeByAreaComponents (const MeshPart &meshPart, float minArea, const UndirectedEdgePredicate &isCompBd)
 returns the union of connected components, each having at least given area
MRMESH_API FaceBitSet MR::MeshComponents::getLargeByAreaComponents (const MeshPart &meshPart, UnionFind< FaceId > &unionFind, float minArea, UndirectedEdgeBitSet *outBdEdgesBetweenLargeComps=nullptr)
 given prepared union-find structure returns the union of connected components, each having at least given area
MRMESH_API std::vector< FaceBitSetMR::MeshComponents::getNLargeByAreaComponents (const MeshPart &meshPart, const LargeByAreaComponentsSettings &settings)
 returns requested number of largest by area connected components in descending by area order
MRMESH_API FaceBitSet MR::MeshComponents::getLargeByAreaSmoothComponents (const MeshPart &meshPart, float minArea, float angleFromPlanar, UndirectedEdgeBitSet *outBdEdgesBetweenLargeComps=nullptr)
MRMESH_API VertBitSet MR::MeshComponents::getComponentsVerts (const Mesh &mesh, const VertBitSet &seeds, const VertBitSet *region=nullptr)
 returns union of connected components, each of which contains at least one seed vert
MRMESH_API size_t MR::MeshComponents::getNumComponents (const MeshPart &meshPart, FaceIncidence incidence=FaceIncidence::PerEdge, const UndirectedEdgePredicate &isCompBd={})
 returns the number of connected components in mesh part
MRMESH_API std::vector< FaceBitSetMR::MeshComponents::getAllComponents (const MeshPart &meshPart, FaceIncidence incidence=FaceIncidence::PerEdge, const UndirectedEdgePredicate &isCompBd={})
MRMESH_API std::pair< std::vector< FaceBitSet >, int > MR::MeshComponents::getAllComponents (const MeshPart &meshPart, int maxComponentCount, FaceIncidence incidence=FaceIncidence::PerEdge, const UndirectedEdgePredicate &isCompBd={})
MRMESH_API std::vector< FaceBitSetMR::MeshComponents::getAllComponents (Face2RegionMap &componentsMap, int componentsCount, const FaceBitSet &region, int maxComponentCount)
MRMESH_API std::pair< Face2RegionMap, int > MR::MeshComponents::getAllComponentsMap (const MeshPart &meshPart, FaceIncidence incidence=FaceIncidence::PerEdge, const UndirectedEdgePredicate &isCompBd={})
MRMESH_API Vector< double, RegionId > MR::MeshComponents::getRegionAreas (const MeshPart &meshPart, const Face2RegionMap &regionMap, int numRegions)
 computes the area of each region given via the map
MRMESH_API std::pair< FaceBitSet, int > MR::MeshComponents::getLargeByAreaRegions (const MeshPart &meshPart, const Face2RegionMap &regionMap, int numRegions, float minArea)
MRMESH_API std::vector< VertBitSetMR::MeshComponents::getAllComponentsVerts (const Mesh &mesh, const VertBitSet *region=nullptr)
 gets all connected components of mesh part
MRMESH_API std::vector< VertBitSetMR::MeshComponents::getAllComponentsVertsSeparatedByPath (const Mesh &mesh, const SurfacePath &path)
 gets all connected components, separating vertices by given path (either closed or from boundary to boundary)
MRMESH_API std::vector< VertBitSetMR::MeshComponents::getAllComponentsVertsSeparatedByPaths (const Mesh &mesh, const std::vector< SurfacePath > &paths)
 gets all connected components, separating vertices by given paths (either closed or from boundary to boundary)
MRMESH_API std::vector< EdgeBitSet > MR::MeshComponents::getAllComponentsEdges (const Mesh &mesh, const EdgeBitSet &edges)
 subdivides given edges on connected components
MRMESH_API std::vector< UndirectedEdgeBitSet > MR::MeshComponents::getAllComponentsUndirectedEdges (const Mesh &mesh, const UndirectedEdgeBitSet &edges)
 subdivides given edges on connected components
MRMESH_API std::vector< FaceBitSetMR::MeshComponents::getAllFlatComponents (const MeshPart &meshPart, float zTolerance)
 gets all connected components where difference between the highest and the lowest point is less than
MRMESH_API bool MR::MeshComponents::hasFullySelectedComponent (const Mesh &mesh, const VertBitSet &selection)
 returns true if all vertices of a mesh connected component are present in selection
MRMESH_API void MR::MeshComponents::excludeFullySelectedComponents (const Mesh &mesh, VertBitSet &selection)
 if all vertices of a mesh connected component are present in selection exludes these vertices
MRMESH_API UnionFind< FaceIdMR::MeshComponents::getUnionFindStructureFaces (const MeshPart &meshPart, FaceIncidence incidence=FaceIncidence::PerEdge, const UndirectedEdgePredicate &isCompBd={})
 gets union-find structure for faces with different options of face-connectivity
MRMESH_API UnionFind< FaceIdMR::MeshComponents::getUnionFindStructureFacesPerEdge (const MeshPart &meshPart, const UndirectedEdgePredicate &isCompBd={})
MRMESH_API UnionFind< VertIdMR::MeshComponents::getUnionFindStructureVerts (const Mesh &mesh, const VertBitSet *region=nullptr)
 gets union-find structure for vertices
MRMESH_API UnionFind< VertIdMR::MeshComponents::getUnionFindStructureVerts (const Mesh &mesh, const EdgeBitSet &edges)
 gets union-find structure for vertices, considering connections by given edges only
MRMESH_API UnionFind< VertIdMR::MeshComponents::getUnionFindStructureVerts (const Mesh &mesh, const UndirectedEdgeBitSet &edges)
 gets union-find structure for vertices, considering connections by given undirected edges only
MRMESH_API UnionFind< VertIdMR::MeshComponents::getUnionFindStructureVertsEx (const Mesh &mesh, const UndirectedEdgeBitSet &ignoreEdges)
 gets union-find structure for vertices, considering connections by all edges excluding given ones
MRMESH_API UnionFind< VertIdMR::MeshComponents::getUnionFindStructureVertsSeparatedByPath (const Mesh &mesh, const SurfacePath &path, VertBitSet *outPathVerts=nullptr)
 gets union-find structure for vertices, separating vertices by given path (either closed or from boundary to boundary)
MRMESH_API UnionFind< VertIdMR::MeshComponents::getUnionFindStructureVertsSeparatedByPaths (const Mesh &mesh, const std::vector< SurfacePath > &paths, VertBitSet *outPathVerts=nullptr)
MRMESH_API UnionFind< UndirectedEdgeId > MR::MeshComponents::getUnionFindStructureUndirectedEdges (const Mesh &mesh, bool allPointToRoots=false)
MRMESH_API UndirectedEdgeBitSet MR::MeshComponents::getComponentsUndirectedEdges (const Mesh &mesh, const UndirectedEdgeBitSet &seeds)
 returns union of connected components, each of which contains at least one seed edge


int MR::MeshComponents::LargeByAreaComponentsSettings::maxLargeComponents = 2
 return at most given number of largest by area connected components
int * MR::MeshComponents::LargeByAreaComponentsSettings::numSmallerComponents = nullptr
 optional output: the number of components in addition to returned ones
float MR::MeshComponents::LargeByAreaComponentsSettings::minArea = 0
 do not consider a component large if its area is below this value
UndirectedEdgePredicate MR::MeshComponents::LargeByAreaComponentsSettings::isCompBd
 optional predicate of boundaries between components

Detailed Description

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ FaceIncidence

Face incidence type.


face can have neighbor only via edge


face can have neighbor via vertex

Function Documentation

◆ excludeFullySelectedComponents()

MRMESH_API void MR::MeshComponents::excludeFullySelectedComponents ( const Mesh & mesh,
VertBitSet & selection )

if all vertices of a mesh connected component are present in selection exludes these vertices

◆ getAllComponents() [1/3]

MRMESH_API std::vector< FaceBitSet > MR::MeshComponents::getAllComponents ( const MeshPart & meshPart,
FaceIncidence incidence = FaceIncidence::PerEdge,
const UndirectedEdgePredicate & isCompBd = {} )

gets all connected components of mesh part

be careful, if mesh is large enough and has many components, the memory overflow will occur

◆ getAllComponents() [2/3]

MRMESH_API std::pair< std::vector< FaceBitSet >, int > MR::MeshComponents::getAllComponents ( const MeshPart & meshPart,
int maxComponentCount,
FaceIncidence incidence = FaceIncidence::PerEdge,
const UndirectedEdgePredicate & isCompBd = {} )

gets all connected components of mesh part \detail if components number more than the maxComponentCount, they will be combined into groups of the same size

maxComponentCountshould be more then 1
pair components bitsets vector and number components in one group if components number more than maxComponentCount

◆ getAllComponents() [3/3]

MRMESH_API std::vector< FaceBitSet > MR::MeshComponents::getAllComponents ( Face2RegionMap & componentsMap,
int componentsCount,
const FaceBitSet & region,
int maxComponentCount )

gets all connected components from components map ( FaceId => RegionId ) \detail if components number more than the maxComponentCount, they will be combined into groups of the same size (this similarly changes componentsMap)

maxComponentCountshould be more then 1
components bitsets vector

◆ getAllComponentsEdges()

MRMESH_API std::vector< EdgeBitSet > MR::MeshComponents::getAllComponentsEdges ( const Mesh & mesh,
const EdgeBitSet & edges )

subdivides given edges on connected components

◆ getAllComponentsMap()

MRMESH_API std::pair< Face2RegionMap, int > MR::MeshComponents::getAllComponentsMap ( const MeshPart & meshPart,
FaceIncidence incidence = FaceIncidence::PerEdge,
const UndirectedEdgePredicate & isCompBd = {} )

gets all connected components of mesh part as

  1. the mapping: FaceId -> Component ID in [0, 1, 2, ...)
  2. the total number of components

◆ getAllComponentsUndirectedEdges()

MRMESH_API std::vector< UndirectedEdgeBitSet > MR::MeshComponents::getAllComponentsUndirectedEdges ( const Mesh & mesh,
const UndirectedEdgeBitSet & edges )

subdivides given edges on connected components

◆ getAllComponentsVerts()

MRMESH_API std::vector< VertBitSet > MR::MeshComponents::getAllComponentsVerts ( const Mesh & mesh,
const VertBitSet * region = nullptr )

gets all connected components of mesh part

◆ getAllComponentsVertsSeparatedByPath()

MRMESH_API std::vector< VertBitSet > MR::MeshComponents::getAllComponentsVertsSeparatedByPath ( const Mesh & mesh,
const SurfacePath & path )

gets all connected components, separating vertices by given path (either closed or from boundary to boundary)

◆ getAllComponentsVertsSeparatedByPaths()

MRMESH_API std::vector< VertBitSet > MR::MeshComponents::getAllComponentsVertsSeparatedByPaths ( const Mesh & mesh,
const std::vector< SurfacePath > & paths )

gets all connected components, separating vertices by given paths (either closed or from boundary to boundary)

◆ getAllFlatComponents()

MRMESH_API std::vector< FaceBitSet > MR::MeshComponents::getAllFlatComponents ( const MeshPart & meshPart,
float zTolerance )

gets all connected components where difference between the highest and the lowest point is less than


◆ getComponent()

MRMESH_API FaceBitSet MR::MeshComponents::getComponent ( const MeshPart & meshPart,
FaceId id,
FaceIncidence incidence = FaceIncidence::PerEdge,
const UndirectedEdgePredicate & isCompBd = {} )

returns one connected component containing given face, not effective to call more than once, if several components are needed use getAllComponents

◆ getComponents()

MRMESH_API FaceBitSet MR::MeshComponents::getComponents ( const MeshPart & meshPart,
const FaceBitSet & seeds,
FaceIncidence incidence = FaceIncidence::PerEdge,
const UndirectedEdgePredicate & isCompBd = {} )

returns union of connected components, each of which contains at least one seed face

◆ getComponentsUndirectedEdges()

MRMESH_API UndirectedEdgeBitSet MR::MeshComponents::getComponentsUndirectedEdges ( const Mesh & mesh,
const UndirectedEdgeBitSet & seeds )

returns union of connected components, each of which contains at least one seed edge

◆ getComponentsVerts()

MRMESH_API VertBitSet MR::MeshComponents::getComponentsVerts ( const Mesh & mesh,
const VertBitSet & seeds,
const VertBitSet * region = nullptr )

returns union of connected components, each of which contains at least one seed vert

◆ getComponentVerts()

MRMESH_API VertBitSet MR::MeshComponents::getComponentVerts ( const Mesh & mesh,
VertId id,
const VertBitSet * region = nullptr )

returns one connected component containing given vertex, not effective to call more than once, if several components are needed use getAllComponentsVerts

◆ getLargeByAreaComponents() [1/2]

MRMESH_API FaceBitSet MR::MeshComponents::getLargeByAreaComponents ( const MeshPart & meshPart,
float minArea,
const UndirectedEdgePredicate & isCompBd )

returns the union of connected components, each having at least given area

◆ getLargeByAreaComponents() [2/2]

MRMESH_API FaceBitSet MR::MeshComponents::getLargeByAreaComponents ( const MeshPart & meshPart,
UnionFind< FaceId > & unionFind,
float minArea,
UndirectedEdgeBitSet * outBdEdgesBetweenLargeComps = nullptr )

given prepared union-find structure returns the union of connected components, each having at least given area

◆ getLargeByAreaRegions()

MRMESH_API std::pair< FaceBitSet, int > MR::MeshComponents::getLargeByAreaRegions ( const MeshPart & meshPart,
const Face2RegionMap & regionMap,
int numRegions,
float minArea )


  1. the union of all regions with area >= minArea
  2. the number of such regions

◆ getLargeByAreaSmoothComponents()

MRMESH_API FaceBitSet MR::MeshComponents::getLargeByAreaSmoothComponents ( const MeshPart & meshPart,
float minArea,
float angleFromPlanar,
UndirectedEdgeBitSet * outBdEdgesBetweenLargeComps = nullptr )

returns the union of connected components, each having at least given area, and any two faces in a connected component have a path along the surface across the edges, where surface does not deviate from plane more than on given angle

◆ getLargeComponentVerts()

MRMESH_API VertBitSet MR::MeshComponents::getLargeComponentVerts ( const Mesh & mesh,
int minVerts,
const VertBitSet * region = nullptr )

returns the union of vertex connected components, each having at least


◆ getLargestComponent()

MRMESH_API FaceBitSet MR::MeshComponents::getLargestComponent ( const MeshPart & meshPart,
FaceIncidence incidence = FaceIncidence::PerEdge,
const UndirectedEdgePredicate & isCompBd = {},
float minArea = 0,
int * numSmallerComponents = nullptr )

returns the largest by surface area component or empty set if its area is smaller than

minAreaoptional output: the number of components in addition to returned one

◆ getLargestComponentVerts()

MRMESH_API VertBitSet MR::MeshComponents::getLargestComponentVerts ( const Mesh & mesh,
const VertBitSet * region = nullptr )

returns the largest by number of elements component

◆ getNLargeByAreaComponents()

MRMESH_API std::vector< FaceBitSet > MR::MeshComponents::getNLargeByAreaComponents ( const MeshPart & meshPart,
const LargeByAreaComponentsSettings & settings )

returns requested number of largest by area connected components in descending by area order

◆ getNumComponents()

MRMESH_API size_t MR::MeshComponents::getNumComponents ( const MeshPart & meshPart,
FaceIncidence incidence = FaceIncidence::PerEdge,
const UndirectedEdgePredicate & isCompBd = {} )

returns the number of connected components in mesh part

◆ getRegionAreas()

MRMESH_API Vector< double, RegionId > MR::MeshComponents::getRegionAreas ( const MeshPart & meshPart,
const Face2RegionMap & regionMap,
int numRegions )

computes the area of each region given via the map

◆ getUnionFindStructureFaces()

MRMESH_API UnionFind< FaceId > MR::MeshComponents::getUnionFindStructureFaces ( const MeshPart & meshPart,
FaceIncidence incidence = FaceIncidence::PerEdge,
const UndirectedEdgePredicate & isCompBd = {} )

gets union-find structure for faces with different options of face-connectivity

◆ getUnionFindStructureFacesPerEdge()

MRMESH_API UnionFind< FaceId > MR::MeshComponents::getUnionFindStructureFacesPerEdge ( const MeshPart & meshPart,
const UndirectedEdgePredicate & isCompBd = {} )

gets union-find structure for faces with connectivity by shared edge, and optional edge predicate whether to skip uniting components over it it is guaranteed that isCompBd is invoked in a thead-safe manner (that left and right face are always processed by one thread)

◆ getUnionFindStructureUndirectedEdges()

MRMESH_API UnionFind< UndirectedEdgeId > MR::MeshComponents::getUnionFindStructureUndirectedEdges ( const Mesh & mesh,
bool allPointToRoots = false )

gets union-find structure for all undirected edges in

allPointToRootsif true, then every element in the structure will point directly to the root of its respective component

◆ getUnionFindStructureVerts() [1/3]

MRMESH_API UnionFind< VertId > MR::MeshComponents::getUnionFindStructureVerts ( const Mesh & mesh,
const EdgeBitSet & edges )

gets union-find structure for vertices, considering connections by given edges only

◆ getUnionFindStructureVerts() [2/3]

MRMESH_API UnionFind< VertId > MR::MeshComponents::getUnionFindStructureVerts ( const Mesh & mesh,
const UndirectedEdgeBitSet & edges )

gets union-find structure for vertices, considering connections by given undirected edges only

◆ getUnionFindStructureVerts() [3/3]

MRMESH_API UnionFind< VertId > MR::MeshComponents::getUnionFindStructureVerts ( const Mesh & mesh,
const VertBitSet * region = nullptr )

gets union-find structure for vertices

◆ getUnionFindStructureVertsEx()

MRMESH_API UnionFind< VertId > MR::MeshComponents::getUnionFindStructureVertsEx ( const Mesh & mesh,
const UndirectedEdgeBitSet & ignoreEdges )

gets union-find structure for vertices, considering connections by all edges excluding given ones

◆ getUnionFindStructureVertsSeparatedByPath()

MRMESH_API UnionFind< VertId > MR::MeshComponents::getUnionFindStructureVertsSeparatedByPath ( const Mesh & mesh,
const SurfacePath & path,
VertBitSet * outPathVerts = nullptr )

gets union-find structure for vertices, separating vertices by given path (either closed or from boundary to boundary)

outPathVertsthis set receives all vertices passed by the path

◆ getUnionFindStructureVertsSeparatedByPaths()

MRMESH_API UnionFind< VertId > MR::MeshComponents::getUnionFindStructureVertsSeparatedByPaths ( const Mesh & mesh,
const std::vector< SurfacePath > & paths,
VertBitSet * outPathVerts = nullptr )

◆ hasFullySelectedComponent()

MRMESH_API bool MR::MeshComponents::hasFullySelectedComponent ( const Mesh & mesh,
const VertBitSet & selection )

returns true if all vertices of a mesh connected component are present in selection

Variable Documentation

◆ isCompBd

UndirectedEdgePredicate MR::MeshComponents::LargeByAreaComponentsSettings::isCompBd

optional predicate of boundaries between components

◆ maxLargeComponents

int MR::MeshComponents::LargeByAreaComponentsSettings::maxLargeComponents = 2

return at most given number of largest by area connected components

◆ minArea

float MR::MeshComponents::LargeByAreaComponentsSettings::minArea = 0

do not consider a component large if its area is below this value

◆ numSmallerComponents

int* MR::MeshComponents::LargeByAreaComponentsSettings::numSmallerComponents = nullptr

optional output: the number of components in addition to returned ones