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MR::Plane3< T > Member List

This is the complete list of members for MR::Plane3< T >, including all inherited members.

dMR::Plane3< T >
distance(const Vector3< T > &x) constMR::Plane3< T >inline
fromDirAndPt(const Vector3< T > &n, const Vector3< T > &p)MR::Plane3< T >inlinestatic
invTransformed(const Plane3< T > &pl, const AffineXf3< T > &ixf)MR::Plane3< T >related
nMR::Plane3< T >
normalized() constMR::Plane3< T >inline
operator+() constMR::Plane3< T >inline
operator-() constMR::Plane3< T >inline
Plane3() noexcept=defaultMR::Plane3< T >
Plane3(const Vector3< T > &n, T d) noexceptMR::Plane3< T >inline
Plane3(const Plane3< U > &p) noexceptMR::Plane3< T >inlineexplicit
project(const Vector3< T > &p) constMR::Plane3< T >inline
transformed(const Plane3< T > &plane, const AffineXf3< T > &xf)MR::Plane3< T >related