No Matches
MR::Quaternion< T > Member List

This is the complete list of members for MR::Quaternion< T >, including all inherited members.

aMR::Quaternion< T >
angle() const noexceptMR::Quaternion< T >inline
axis() const noexceptMR::Quaternion< T >inline
bMR::Quaternion< T >
cMR::Quaternion< T >
conjugate() const noexceptMR::Quaternion< T >inline
dMR::Quaternion< T >
dot(const Quaternion< T > &a, const Quaternion< T > &b)MR::Quaternion< T >related
getClosestCanonicalQuaternion(const Quaternion< T > &base) noexceptMR::Quaternion< T >related
im() const noexceptMR::Quaternion< T >inline
inverse() const noexceptMR::Quaternion< T >inline
lerp(const Quaternion &q0, const Quaternion &q1, T t)MR::Quaternion< T >inlinestatic
norm() constMR::Quaternion< T >inline
normalize()MR::Quaternion< T >inline
normalized() constMR::Quaternion< T >inline
normSq() constMR::Quaternion< T >inline
operator Matrix3< T >() constMR::Quaternion< T >
operator()(const Vector3< T > &p) const noexceptMR::Quaternion< T >
operator*(const Quaternion< T > &q1, const Quaternion< T > &q2)MR::Quaternion< T >related
operator*=(T s)MR::Quaternion< T >inline
operator-() constMR::Quaternion< T >inline
operator/=(T s)MR::Quaternion< T >inline
orthonormalized(const Matrix3< T > &m)MR::Quaternion< T >related
orthonormalized(const AffineXf3< T > &xf, const Vector3< T > &center={})MR::Quaternion< T >related
Quaternion() noexcept=defaultMR::Quaternion< T >
Quaternion(T a, T b, T c, T d) noexceptMR::Quaternion< T >inline
Quaternion(const Vector3< T > &axis, T angle) noexceptMR::Quaternion< T >
Quaternion(T real, const Vector3< T > &im) noexceptMR::Quaternion< T >inline
Quaternion(const Matrix3< T > &m)MR::Quaternion< T >
Quaternion(const Vector3< T > &from, const Vector3< T > &to) noexceptMR::Quaternion< T >
slerp(Quaternion q0, Quaternion q1, T t)MR::Quaternion< T >static
slerp(const Matrix3< T > &m0, const Matrix3< T > &m1, T t)MR::Quaternion< T >inlinestatic
slerp(const AffineXf3< T > &xf0, const AffineXf3< T > &xf1, T t, const Vector3< T > &p={})MR::Quaternion< T >inlinestatic
slerp(const Matrix3< T > &m0, const Matrix3< T > &m1, T t)MR::Quaternion< T >related
slerp(const AffineXf3< T > &xf0, const AffineXf3< T > &xf1, T t, const Vector3< T > &p={})MR::Quaternion< T >related