No Matches
MRMeshIntersect.h File Reference
#include "MRPointOnFace.h"
#include "MRTriPoint.h"
#include "MRMeshPart.h"
#include "MRMeshTriPoint.h"
#include <cfloat>
#include <functional>

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struct  MR::MeshIntersectionResult
struct  MR::MultiRayMeshIntersectResult
struct  MR::MultiMeshIntersectionResult
struct  MR::Line3Mesh< T >


namespace  MR


using MR::Line3fMesh = Line3Mesh<float>
using MR::Line3dMesh = Line3Mesh<double>
using MR::MeshIntersectionCallback = std::function<bool(const MeshIntersectionResult &)>


MRMESH_API MeshIntersectionResult MR::rayMeshIntersect (const MeshPart &meshPart, const Line3f &line, float rayStart=0.0f, float rayEnd=FLT_MAX, const IntersectionPrecomputes< float > *prec=nullptr, bool closestIntersect=true, const FacePredicate &validFaces={})
MRMESH_API MeshIntersectionResult MR::rayMeshIntersect (const MeshPart &meshPart, const Line3d &line, double rayStart=0.0, double rayEnd=DBL_MAX, const IntersectionPrecomputes< double > *prec=nullptr, bool closestIntersect=true, const FacePredicate &validFaces={})
MRMESH_API void MR::multiRayMeshIntersect (const MeshPart &meshPart, const std::vector< Vector3f > &origins, const std::vector< Vector3f > &dirs, const MultiRayMeshIntersectResult &result, float rayStart=0.0f, float rayEnd=FLT_MAX, bool closestIntersect=true, const FacePredicate &validFaces={})
MRMESH_API MultiMeshIntersectionResult MR::rayMultiMeshAnyIntersect (const std::vector< Line3fMesh > &lineMeshes, float rayStart=0.0f, float rayEnd=FLT_MAX)
MRMESH_API MultiMeshIntersectionResult MR::rayMultiMeshAnyIntersect (const std::vector< Line3dMesh > &lineMeshes, double rayStart=0.0, double rayEnd=DBL_MAX)
 Same as rayMultiMeshAnyIntersectF, but use double precision.
MRMESH_API void MR::rayMeshIntersectAll (const MeshPart &meshPart, const Line3f &line, MeshIntersectionCallback callback, float rayStart=0.0f, float rayEnd=FLT_MAX, const IntersectionPrecomputes< float > *prec=nullptr)
MRMESH_API void MR::rayMeshIntersectAll (const MeshPart &meshPart, const Line3d &line, MeshIntersectionCallback callback, double rayStart=0.0, double rayEnd=DBL_MAX, const IntersectionPrecomputes< double > *prec=nullptr)
 Same as rayMeshIntersectAllF, but use double precision.
MRMESH_API void MR::xyPlaneMeshIntersect (const MeshPart &meshPart, float zLevel, FaceBitSet *fs, UndirectedEdgeBitSet *ues, VertBitSet *vs)