No Matches
MR::ObjectMesh Class Reference

#include <MRObjectMesh.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for MR::ObjectMesh:

Public Types

using MeshChangedSignal = Signal<void( uint32_t mask )>
 signal about mesh changing, triggered in setDirtyFlag
- Public Types inherited from MR::ObjectMeshHolder
using SelectionChangedSignal = Signal<void()>
 signal about face selection changing, triggered in selectFaces
- Public Types inherited from MR::Object
using XfChangedSignal = Signal<void() >

Public Member Functions

 ObjectMesh ()=default
 ObjectMesh (ObjectMesh &&) noexcept=default
ObjectMeshoperator= (ObjectMesh &&) noexcept=default
virtual const char * typeName () const override
virtual const std::shared_ptr< Mesh > & varMesh ()
 returns variable mesh, if const mesh is needed use mesh() instead
virtual MRMESH_API void setMesh (std::shared_ptr< Mesh > mesh)
 sets given mesh to this, resets selection and creases
virtual MRMESH_API std::shared_ptr< MeshupdateMesh (std::shared_ptr< Mesh > mesh)
virtual MRMESH_API std::vector< std::string > getInfoLines () const override
 return several info lines that can better describe the object in the UI
virtual std::string getClassName () const override
 return human readable name of subclass
virtual MRMESH_API std::shared_ptr< Objectclone () const override
virtual MRMESH_API std::shared_ptr< ObjectshallowClone () const override
virtual MRMESH_API void setDirtyFlags (uint32_t mask, bool invalidateCaches=true) override
 ObjectMesh (ProtectedStruct, const ObjectMesh &obj)
MRMESH_API MeshIntersectionResult worldRayIntersection (const Line3f &worldRay, const FaceBitSet *region=nullptr) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from MR::ObjectMeshHolder
MRMESH_API ObjectMeshHolder ()
 ObjectMeshHolder (ObjectMeshHolder &&) noexcept=default
ObjectMeshHolderoperator= (ObjectMeshHolder &&) noexcept=default
virtual MRMESH_API void applyScale (float scaleFactor) override
 scale object size (all point positions)
virtual MRMESH_API bool hasVisualRepresentation () const override
 mesh object can be seen if the mesh has at least one edge
virtual bool hasModel () const override
const std::shared_ptr< const Mesh > & mesh () const
MeshPart meshPart () const
const FaceBitSetgetSelectedFaces () const
virtual MRMESH_API void selectFaces (FaceBitSet newSelection)
MRMESH_API const ColorgetSelectedFacesColor (ViewportId id={}) const
 returns colors of selected triangles
virtual MRMESH_API void setSelectedFacesColor (const Color &color, ViewportId id={})
 sets colors of selected triangles
const UndirectedEdgeBitSet & getSelectedEdges () const
virtual MRMESH_API void selectEdges (UndirectedEdgeBitSet newSelection)
MRMESH_API const ColorgetSelectedEdgesColor (ViewportId id={}) const
 returns colors of selected edges
virtual MRMESH_API void setSelectedEdgesColor (const Color &color, ViewportId id={})
 sets colors of selected edges
MRMESH_API const ViewportProperty< Color > & getSelectedEdgesColorsForAllViewports () const
virtual MRMESH_API void setSelectedEdgesColorsForAllViewports (ViewportProperty< Color > val)
MRMESH_API const ViewportProperty< Color > & getSelectedFacesColorsForAllViewports () const
virtual MRMESH_API void setSelectedFacesColorsForAllViewports (ViewportProperty< Color > val)
MRMESH_API const ViewportProperty< Color > & getEdgesColorsForAllViewports () const
virtual MRMESH_API void setEdgesColorsForAllViewports (ViewportProperty< Color > val)
MRMESH_API const ViewportProperty< Color > & getBordersColorsForAllViewports () const
virtual MRMESH_API void setBordersColorsForAllViewports (ViewportProperty< Color > val)
const UndirectedEdgeBitSet & creases () const
 Edges on mesh, that will have sharp visualization even with smooth shading.
virtual MRMESH_API void setCreases (UndirectedEdgeBitSet creases)
void setFlatShading (bool on)
 sets flat (true) or smooth (false) shading
bool flatShading () const
MRMESH_API bool supportsVisualizeProperty (AnyVisualizeMaskEnum type) const override
 Returns true if this class supports the property type. Otherwise passing it to the functions below is illegal.
MRMESH_API AllVisualizeProperties getAllVisualizeProperties () const override
 get all visualize properties masks
MRMESH_API const ViewportMaskgetVisualizePropertyMask (AnyVisualizeMaskEnum type) const override
 returns mask of viewports where given property is set
const FaceColors & getFacesColorMap () const
virtual void setFacesColorMap (FaceColors facesColorMap)
virtual void updateFacesColorMap (FaceColors &updated)
virtual MRMESH_API void setEdgeWidth (float edgeWidth)
float getEdgeWidth () const
virtual MRMESH_API void setPointSize (float size)
virtual float getPointSize () const
const ColorgetEdgesColor (ViewportId id={}) const
virtual void setEdgesColor (const Color &color, ViewportId id={})
const ColorgetPointsColor (ViewportId id={}) const
virtual void setPointsColor (const Color &color, ViewportId id={})
const ColorgetBordersColor (ViewportId id={}) const
virtual void setBordersColor (const Color &color, ViewportId id={})
 ObjectMeshHolder (ProtectedStruct, const ObjectMeshHolder &obj)
MRMESH_API const MeshTexturegetTexture () const
 returns first texture in the vector. If there is no textures, returns empty texture
virtual MRMESH_API void setTexture (MeshTexture texture)
virtual MRMESH_API void updateTexture (MeshTexture &updated)
const Vector< MeshTexture, TextureId > & getTextures () const
virtual void setTextures (Vector< MeshTexture, TextureId > texture)
virtual void updateTextures (Vector< MeshTexture, TextureId > &updated)
virtual void setTexturePerFace (Vector< TextureId, FaceId > texturePerFace)
virtual void updateTexturePerFace (Vector< TextureId, FaceId > &texturePerFace)
virtual void addTexture (MeshTexture texture)
const TexturePerFace & getTexturePerFace () const
const VertUVCoords & getUVCoords () const
virtual void setUVCoords (VertUVCoords uvCoordinates)
virtual void updateUVCoords (VertUVCoords &updated)
virtual MRMESH_API void copyTextureAndColors (const ObjectMeshHolder &src, const VertMap &thisToSrc, const FaceMap &thisToSrcFaces={})
 copies texture, UV-coordinates and vertex colors from given source object
MRMESH_API void copyColors (const VisualObject &src, const VertMap &thisToSrc, const FaceMap &thisToSrcFaces={}) override
 copies point colors from given source object
const MeshTexturegetAncillaryTexture () const
virtual void setAncillaryTexture (MeshTexture texture)
const VertUVCoords & getAncillaryUVCoords () const
virtual void setAncillaryUVCoords (VertUVCoords uvCoordinates)
void updateAncillaryUVCoords (VertUVCoords &updated)
bool hasAncillaryTexture () const
MRMESH_API void clearAncillaryTexture ()
MRMESH_API uint32_t getNeededNormalsRenderDirtyValue (ViewportMask viewportMask) const
 returns dirty flag of currently using normal type if they are dirty in render representation
virtual MRMESH_API bool getRedrawFlag (ViewportMask viewportMask) const override
 returns true if the object must be redrawn (due to dirty flags) in one of specified viewports
virtual MRMESH_API void resetDirtyExeptMask (uint32_t mask) const
 reset dirty flags without some specific bits (useful for lazy normals update)
MRMESH_API bool isMeshClosed () const
 returns cached information whether the mesh is closed
virtual MRMESH_API Box3f getWorldBox (ViewportId={}) const override
MRMESH_API size_t numSelectedFaces () const
 returns cached information about the number of selected faces in the mesh
MRMESH_API size_t numSelectedEdges () const
 returns cached information about the number of selected undirected edges in the mesh
MRMESH_API size_t numCreaseEdges () const
 returns cached information about the number of crease undirected edges in the mesh
MRMESH_API double totalArea () const
 returns cached summed area of mesh triangles
MRMESH_API double selectedArea () const
 returns cached area of selected triangles
MRMESH_API double volume () const
 returns cached volume of space surrounded by the mesh, which is valid only if mesh is closed
MRMESH_API float avgEdgeLen () const
 returns cached average edge length
MRMESH_API size_t numUndirectedEdges () const
 returns cached information about the number of undirected edges in the mesh
MRMESH_API size_t numHoles () const
 returns cached information about the number of holes in the mesh
MRMESH_API size_t numComponents () const
 returns cached information about the number of components in the mesh
MRMESH_API size_t numHandles () const
 returns cached information about the number of handles in the mesh
virtual MRMESH_API size_t heapBytes () const override
 returns the amount of memory this object occupies on heap
const char * saveMeshFormat () const
 returns file extension used to serialize the mesh
MRMESH_API void setSaveMeshFormat (const char *newFormat)
 sets file extension used to serialize the mesh: must be not null and must start from '.'
- Public Member Functions inherited from MR::VisualObject
MRMESH_API VisualObject ()
 VisualObject (VisualObject &&)=default
VisualObjectoperator= (VisualObject &&)=default
virtual ~VisualObject ()=default
MRMESH_API void setVisualizeProperty (bool value, AnyVisualizeMaskEnum type, ViewportMask viewportMask)
 set visual property in all viewports specified by the mask
virtual MRMESH_API void setVisualizePropertyMask (AnyVisualizeMaskEnum type, ViewportMask viewportMask)
 set visual property mask
MRMESH_API bool getVisualizeProperty (AnyVisualizeMaskEnum type, ViewportMask viewportMask) const
 returns true if the property is set at least in one viewport specified by the mask
MRMESH_API void toggleVisualizeProperty (AnyVisualizeMaskEnum type, ViewportMask viewportMask)
 toggle visual property in all viewports specified by the mask
void setAllVisualizeProperties (const AllVisualizeProperties &properties)
 set all visualize properties masks
void showLabels (bool on)
 shows/hides labels
bool showLabels () const
void showName (bool on)
 shows/hides object name in all viewports
bool showName () const
 returns whether object name is shown in any viewport
MRMESH_API const ColorgetFrontColor (bool selected=true, ViewportId viewportId={}) const
 returns color of object when it is selected/not-selected (depending on argument) in given viewport
virtual MRMESH_API void setFrontColor (const Color &color, bool selected, ViewportId viewportId={})
 sets color of object when it is selected/not-selected (depending on argument) in given viewport
virtual MRMESH_API const ViewportProperty< Color > & getFrontColorsForAllViewports (bool selected=true) const
 returns color of object when it is selected/not-selected (depending on argument) in all viewports
virtual MRMESH_API void setFrontColorsForAllViewports (ViewportProperty< Color > val, bool selected=true)
 sets color of object when it is selected/not-selected (depending on argument) in all viewports
virtual MRMESH_API const ViewportProperty< Color > & getBackColorsForAllViewports () const
 returns backward color of object in all viewports
virtual MRMESH_API void setBackColorsForAllViewports (ViewportProperty< Color > val)
 sets backward color of object in all viewports
MRMESH_API const ColorgetBackColor (ViewportId viewportId={}) const
 returns backward color of object in given viewport
virtual MRMESH_API void setBackColor (const Color &color, ViewportId viewportId={})
 sets backward color of object in given viewport
MRMESH_API const uint8_t & getGlobalAlpha (ViewportId viewportId={}) const
 returns global transparency alpha of object in given viewport
virtual MRMESH_API void setGlobalAlpha (uint8_t alpha, ViewportId viewportId={})
 sets global transparency alpha of object in given viewport
virtual MRMESH_API const ViewportProperty< uint8_t > & getGlobalAlphaForAllViewports () const
 returns global transparency alpha of object in all viewports
virtual MRMESH_API void setGlobalAlphaForAllViewports (ViewportProperty< uint8_t > val)
 sets global transparency alpha of object in all viewports
MRMESH_API const ColorgetLabelsColor (ViewportId viewportId={}) const
virtual MRMESH_API void setLabelsColor (const Color &color, ViewportId viewportId={})
MRMESH_API const ViewportProperty< Color > & getLabelsColorsForAllViewports () const
virtual MRMESH_API void setLabelsColorsForAllViewports (ViewportProperty< Color > val)
MRMESH_API uint32_t getDirtyFlags () const
 returns current dirty flags for the object
MRMESH_API void resetDirty () const
 resets all dirty flags (except for cache flags that will be reset automatically on cache update)
MRMESH_API Box3f getBoundingBox () const
 returns cached bounding box of this object in local coordinates
bool isPickable (ViewportMask viewportMask=ViewportMask::any()) const
 whether the object can be picked (by mouse) in any of given viewports
virtual MRMESH_API void setPickable (bool on, ViewportMask viewportMask=ViewportMask::all())
 sets the object as can/cannot be picked (by mouse) in all of given viewports
const VertColors & getVertsColorMap () const
 returns per-vertex colors of the object
virtual void setVertsColorMap (VertColors vertsColorMap)
 sets per-vertex colors of the object
virtual void updateVertsColorMap (VertColors &vertsColorMap)
 swaps per-vertex colors of the object with given argument
ColoringType getColoringType () const
 returns the current coloring mode of the object
virtual MRMESH_API void setColoringType (ColoringType coloringType)
 sets coloring mode of the object with given argument
float getShininess () const
 returns the current shininess visual value
virtual void setShininess (float shininess)
 sets shininess visual value of the object with given argument
float getSpecularStrength () const
 returns intensity of reflections
virtual void setSpecularStrength (float specularStrength)
 sets intensity of reflections
float getAmbientStrength () const
 returns intensity of non-directional light
virtual void setAmbientStrength (float ambientStrength)
 sets intensity of non-directional light
const std::vector< PositionedText > & getLabels () const
virtual void setLabels (std::vector< PositionedText > labels)
virtual MRMESH_API bool render (const ModelRenderParams &) const
virtual MRMESH_API void renderForPicker (const ModelBaseRenderParams &, unsigned) const
 draws this object for picking
virtual MRMESH_API void renderUi (const UiRenderParams &params) const
 draws this object for 2d UI
 VisualObject (ProtectedStruct, const VisualObject &obj)
 this ctor is public only for std::make_shared used inside clone()
MRMESH_API bool useDefaultScenePropertiesOnDeserialization () const
MRMESH_API void setUseDefaultScenePropertiesOnDeserialization (bool useDefaultScenePropertiesOnDeserialization)
- Public Member Functions inherited from MR::Object
 Object ()=default
 Object (Object &&) noexcept=default
Objectoperator= (Object &&) noexcept=default
virtual ~Object ()=default
template<typename T >
T * asType ()
template<typename T >
const T * asType () const
const std::string & name () const
virtual void setName (std::string name)
MRMESH_API std::shared_ptr< const Objectfind (const std::string_view &name) const
 finds a direct child by name
std::shared_ptr< Objectfind (const std::string_view &name)
template<typename T >
std::shared_ptr< const T > find () const
 finds a direct child by type
template<typename T >
std::shared_ptr< T > find ()
template<typename T >
std::shared_ptr< const T > find (const std::string_view &name) const
 finds a direct child by name and type
template<typename T >
std::shared_ptr< T > find (const std::string_view &name)
const AffineXf3fxf (ViewportId id={}, bool *isDef=nullptr) const
virtual MRMESH_API void setXf (const AffineXf3f &xf, ViewportId id={})
virtual MRMESH_API void resetXf (ViewportId id={})
 forgets specific transform in given viewport (or forgets all specific transforms for {} input)
const ViewportProperty< AffineXf3f > & xfsForAllViewports () const
 returns xfs for all viewports, combined into a single object
virtual void setXfsForAllViewports (ViewportProperty< AffineXf3f > xf)
 modifies xfs for all viewports at once
MRMESH_API AffineXf3f worldXf (ViewportId id={}, bool *isDef=nullptr) const
MRMESH_API void setWorldXf (const AffineXf3f &xf, ViewportId id={})
MRMESH_API ViewportMask globalVisibilityMask () const
 returns all viewports where this object is visible together with all its parents
bool globalVisibility (ViewportMask viewportMask=ViewportMask::any()) const
 returns true if this object is visible together with all its parents in any of given viewports
MRMESH_API void setGlobalVisibility (bool on, ViewportMask viewportMask=ViewportMask::any())
 if true sets all predecessors visible, otherwise sets this object invisible
bool isLocked () const
 object properties lock for UI
virtual void setLocked (bool on)
bool isParentLocked () const
virtual void setParentLocked (bool lock)
const Objectparent () const
 returns parent object in the tree
Objectparent ()
MRMESH_API bool isAncestor (const Object *ancestor) const
 return true if given object is ancestor of this one, false otherwise
MRMESH_API ObjectfindCommonAncestor (Object &other)
const ObjectfindCommonAncestor (const Object &other) const
virtual MRMESH_API bool detachFromParent ()
const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Object > > & children ()
 an object can hold other sub-objects
const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< const Object > > & children () const
virtual MRMESH_API bool addChild (std::shared_ptr< Object > child, bool recognizedChild=true)
virtual MRMESH_API bool addChildBefore (std::shared_ptr< Object > newChild, const std::shared_ptr< Object > &existingChild)
bool removeChild (const std::shared_ptr< Object > &child)
 returns false if it was not child of this
virtual MRMESH_API bool removeChild (Object *child)
virtual MRMESH_API void removeAllChildren ()
 detaches all recognized children from this, keeping all unrecognized ones
MRMESH_API void sortChildren ()
 sort recognized children by name
virtual MRMESH_API bool select (bool on)
 selects the object, returns true if value changed, otherwise returns false
virtual bool isSelected () const
virtual MRMESH_API void setAncillary (bool ancillary)
bool isAncillary () const
MRMESH_API void setVisible (bool on, ViewportMask viewportMask=ViewportMask::all())
 sets the object visible in the viewports specified by the mask (by default in all viewports)
bool isVisible (ViewportMask viewportMask=ViewportMask::any()) const
 checks whether the object is visible in any of the viewports specified by the mask (by default in any viewport)
virtual MRMESH_API void setVisibilityMask (ViewportMask viewportMask)
 specifies object visibility as bitmask of viewports
virtual ViewportMask visibilityMask () const
 gets object visibility as bitmask of viewports
void resetRedrawFlag () const
MRMESH_API std::shared_ptr< ObjectcloneTree () const
 clones all tree of this object (except ancillary and unrecognized children)
MRMESH_API std::shared_ptr< ObjectshallowCloneTree () const
MRMESH_API Expected< std::vector< std::future< Expected< void > > > > serializeRecursive (const std::filesystem::path &path, Json::Value &root, int childId) const
MRMESH_API Expected< void > deserializeRecursive (const std::filesystem::path &path, const Json::Value &root, ProgressCallback progressCb={}, int *objCounter=nullptr)
MRMESH_API void swap (Object &other)
MRMESH_API Box3f getWorldTreeBox (ViewportId={}) const
 returns bounding box of this object and all children visible in given (or default) viewport in world coordinates
 Object (ProtectedStruct, const Object &obj)
- Public Member Functions inherited from MR::ObjectChildrenHolder
 ObjectChildrenHolder ()=default
 ObjectChildrenHolder (const ObjectChildrenHolder &) noexcept
ObjectChildrenHolderoperator= (const ObjectChildrenHolder &) noexcept
MRMESH_API ObjectChildrenHolder (ObjectChildrenHolder &&) noexcept
MRMESH_API ObjectChildrenHolderoperator= (ObjectChildrenHolder &&) noexcept
MRMESH_API ~ObjectChildrenHolder ()
MRMESH_API std::shared_ptr< ObjectgetSharedPtr () const
MRMESH_API size_t heapBytes () const

Static Public Member Functions

static constexpr const char * TypeName () noexcept
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from MR::ObjectMeshHolder
static constexpr const char * TypeName () noexcept
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from MR::VisualObject
static constexpr const char * TypeName () noexcept
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from MR::Object
static constexpr const char * TypeName () noexcept

Public Attributes

MeshChangedSignal meshChangedSignal
- Public Attributes inherited from MR::ObjectMeshHolder
SelectionChangedSignal faceSelectionChangedSignal
SelectionChangedSignal edgeSelectionChangedSignal
SelectionChangedSignal creasesChangedSignal
- Public Attributes inherited from MR::Object
XfChangedSignal worldXfChangedSignal

Protected Member Functions

 ObjectMesh (const ObjectMesh &other)=default
virtual MRMESH_API void swapBase_ (Object &other) override
 swaps this object with other
virtual MRMESH_API void swapSignals_ (Object &other) override
virtual MRMESH_API void serializeFields_ (Json::Value &root) const override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from MR::ObjectMeshHolder
 ObjectMeshHolder (const ObjectMeshHolder &other)=default
virtual MRMESH_API Expected< std::future< Expected< void > > > serializeModel_ (const std::filesystem::path &path) const override
MRMESH_API void deserializeFields_ (const Json::Value &root) override
MRMESH_API Expected< void > deserializeModel_ (const std::filesystem::path &path, ProgressCallback progressCb={}) override
 Reads model from file.
MRMESH_API void setAllVisualizeProperties_ (const AllVisualizeProperties &properties, std::size_t &pos) override
 set all visualize properties masks
virtual MRMESH_API Box3f computeBoundingBox_ () const override
virtual MRMESH_API void setupRenderObject_ () const override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from MR::VisualObject
 VisualObject (const VisualObject &obj)=default
MRMESH_API ViewportMaskgetVisualizePropertyMask_ (AnyVisualizeMaskEnum type)
MRMESH_API void deserializeFields_ (const Json::Value &root) override
MRMESH_API void boundingBoxToInfoLines_ (std::vector< std::string > &res) const
 adds information about bounding box in res
template<AnyVisualizeMaskEnumType T>
void setAllVisualizePropertiesForEnum (const AllVisualizeProperties &properties, std::size_t &pos)
template<AnyVisualizeMaskEnumType T>
void getAllVisualizePropertiesForEnum (AllVisualizeProperties &properties) const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from MR::Object
 Object (const Object &obj)=default
 user should not be able to call copy implicitly, use clone() function instead
virtual MRMESH_API void propagateWorldXfChangedSignal_ ()

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Attributes inherited from MR::ObjectMeshHolder
FaceBitSet selectedTriangles_
UndirectedEdgeBitSet selectedEdges_
UndirectedEdgeBitSet creases_
Vector< MeshTexture, TextureId > textures_
 Texture options.
VertUVCoords uvCoordinates_
 vertices coordinates in texture
Vector< TextureId, FaceIdtexturePerFace_
MeshTexture ancillaryTexture_
VertUVCoords ancillaryUVCoordinates_
 vertices coordinates in ancillary texture
std::optional< size_t > numHoles_
std::optional< size_t > numComponents_
std::optional< size_t > numUndirectedEdges_
std::optional< size_t > numHandles_
std::optional< bool > meshIsClosed_
std::optional< size_t > numSelectedFaces_
std::optional< size_t > numSelectedEdges_
std::optional< size_t > numCreaseEdges_
std::optional< double > totalArea_
std::optional< double > selectedArea_
std::optional< double > volume_
std::optional< float > avgEdgeLen_
ViewportProperty< XfBasedCache< Box3f > > worldBox_
ViewportMask showTexture_
ViewportMask showFaces_ = ViewportMask::all()
ViewportMask showEdges_
ViewportMask showPoints_
ViewportMask showSelectedEdges_ = ViewportMask::all()
ViewportMask showSelectedFaces_ = ViewportMask::all()
ViewportMask showBordersHighlight_
ViewportMask polygonOffset_
ViewportMask flatShading_
 toggle per-face or per-vertex properties
ViewportMask shadingEnabled_ = ViewportMask::all()
ViewportMask onlyOddFragments_
ViewportProperty< ColoredgesColor_
ViewportProperty< ColorpointsColor_
ViewportProperty< ColorbordersColor_
ViewportProperty< ColoredgeSelectionColor_
ViewportProperty< ColorfaceSelectionColor_
FaceColors facesColorMap_
float edgeWidth_ { 0.5f }
float pointSize_ { 5.f }
std::shared_ptr< Meshmesh_
- Protected Attributes inherited from MR::VisualObject
UniquePtr< IRenderObjectrenderObj_
Dirty dirty_
ViewportMask clipByPlane_
ViewportMask showLabels_
ViewportMask showName_
ViewportMask cropLabels_ = ViewportMask::all()
ViewportMask pickable_ = ViewportMask::all()
 enable picking by gl
ViewportMask invertNormals_
 invert mesh normals
ViewportMask depthTest_ = ViewportMask::all()
ViewportProperty< ColorlabelsColor_ = {}
float shininess_ {35.0f}
 specular exponent
float specularStrength_ { 0.5f }
float ambientStrength_ { 0.1f }
ColoringType coloringType_ {ColoringType::SolidColor}
 Main coloring options.
VertColors vertsColorMap_
ViewportProperty< ColorselectedColor_
ViewportProperty< ColorunselectedColor_
ViewportProperty< ColorbackFacesColor_
ViewportProperty< uint8_t > globalAlpha_ { 255 }
std::vector< PositionedTextlabels_
bool useDefaultScenePropertiesOnDeserialization_ { false }
- Protected Attributes inherited from MR::Object
std::string name_
ViewportProperty< AffineXf3fxf_
ViewportMask visibilityMask_ = ViewportMask::all()
bool locked_ = false
bool parentLocked_ = false
bool selected_ { false }
bool ancillary_ { false }
bool needRedraw_ {false}
- Protected Attributes inherited from MR::ObjectChildrenHolder
ObjectChildrenHolderparent_ = nullptr
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Object > > children_
std::vector< std::weak_ptr< Object > > bastards_
 recognized ones

Detailed Description

an object that stores a mesh

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ MeshChangedSignal

using MR::ObjectMesh::MeshChangedSignal = Signal<void( uint32_t mask )>

signal about mesh changing, triggered in setDirtyFlag

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ObjectMesh() [1/4]

MR::ObjectMesh::ObjectMesh ( )

◆ ObjectMesh() [2/4]

MR::ObjectMesh::ObjectMesh ( ObjectMesh && )

◆ ObjectMesh() [3/4]

MR::ObjectMesh::ObjectMesh ( ProtectedStruct ,
const ObjectMesh & obj )
this ctor is public only for std::make_shared used inside clone()

◆ ObjectMesh() [4/4]

MR::ObjectMesh::ObjectMesh ( const ObjectMesh & other)

Member Function Documentation

◆ clone()

virtual MRMESH_API std::shared_ptr< Object > MR::ObjectMesh::clone ( ) const

clones this object only, without its children, making new object the owner of all copied resources

Reimplemented from MR::ObjectMeshHolder.

◆ getClassName()

virtual std::string MR::ObjectMesh::getClassName ( ) const

return human readable name of subclass

Reimplemented from MR::VisualObject.

◆ getInfoLines()

virtual MRMESH_API std::vector< std::string > MR::ObjectMesh::getInfoLines ( ) const

return several info lines that can better describe the object in the UI

Reimplemented from MR::VisualObject.

◆ operator=()

ObjectMesh & MR::ObjectMesh::operator= ( ObjectMesh && )

◆ serializeFields_()

virtual MRMESH_API void MR::ObjectMesh::serializeFields_ ( Json::Value & root) const

Write parameters to given Json::Value,

if you override this method, please call Base::serializeFields_(root) in the beginning

Reimplemented from MR::ObjectMeshHolder.

◆ setDirtyFlags()

virtual MRMESH_API void MR::ObjectMesh::setDirtyFlags ( uint32_t mask,
bool invalidateCaches = true )

sets some dirty flags for the object (to force its visual update)

maskis a union of DirtyFlags flags
invalidateCacheswhether to automatically invalidate model caches (pass false here if you manually update the caches)

Reimplemented from MR::ObjectMeshHolder.

◆ setMesh()

virtual MRMESH_API void MR::ObjectMesh::setMesh ( std::shared_ptr< Mesh > mesh)

sets given mesh to this, resets selection and creases

◆ shallowClone()

virtual MRMESH_API std::shared_ptr< Object > MR::ObjectMesh::shallowClone ( ) const

clones this object only, without its children, making new object to share resources with this object

Reimplemented from MR::ObjectMeshHolder.

◆ swapBase_()

virtual MRMESH_API void MR::ObjectMesh::swapBase_ ( Object & other)

swaps this object with other

Reimplemented from MR::ObjectMeshHolder.

◆ swapSignals_()

virtual MRMESH_API void MR::ObjectMesh::swapSignals_ ( Object & other)

swaps signals, used in swap function to return back signals after swapBase_ pls call Parent::swapSignals_ first when overriding this function

Reimplemented from MR::ObjectMeshHolder.

◆ TypeName()

static constexpr const char * MR::ObjectMesh::TypeName ( )

◆ typeName()

virtual const char * MR::ObjectMesh::typeName ( ) const

Reimplemented from MR::ObjectMeshHolder.

◆ updateMesh()

virtual MRMESH_API std::shared_ptr< Mesh > MR::ObjectMesh::updateMesh ( std::shared_ptr< Mesh > mesh)

sets given mesh to this, and returns back previous mesh of this; does not touch selection or creases

◆ varMesh()

virtual const std::shared_ptr< Mesh > & MR::ObjectMesh::varMesh ( )

returns variable mesh, if const mesh is needed use mesh() instead

◆ worldRayIntersection()

MRMESH_API MeshIntersectionResult MR::ObjectMesh::worldRayIntersection ( const Line3f & worldRay,
const FaceBitSet * region = nullptr ) const

given ray in world coordinates, e.g. obtained from Viewport::unprojectPixelRay; finds its intersection with the mesh of this object considering its transformation relative to the world; it is inefficient to call this function for many rays, because it computes world-to-local xf every time

Member Data Documentation

◆ meshChangedSignal

MeshChangedSignal MR::ObjectMesh::meshChangedSignal

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