No Matches
MR::RibbonMenu Class Reference

#include <MRRibbonMenu.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for MR::RibbonMenu:


struct  DialogItemPtr
struct  DrawGroupConfig

Public Types

using TabChangedSignal = boost::signals2::signal<void( int prevTabId, int newTabId )>
- Public Types inherited from MR::ImGuiMenu
enum class  NameTagSelectionMode { selectOne , toggle }
using NameTagClickSignal = boost::signals2::signal<bool( Object& object, NameTagSelectionMode mode ), StopOnTrueCombiner>
using DrawSceneUiSignal = boost::signals2::signal<void( float menuScaling, ViewportId viewportId, UiRenderParams::UiTaskList& tasks )>

Public Member Functions

MRVIEWER_API void setCustomContextCheckbox (const std::string &name, CustomContextMenuCheckbox customContextMenuCheckbox)
virtual MRVIEWER_API void init (MR::Viewer *_viewer) override
virtual MRVIEWER_API void shutdown () override
MRVIEWER_API void openToolbarCustomize ()
 open Toolbar Customize modal popup
virtual MRVIEWER_API void load_font (int font_size=13) override
virtual MRVIEWER_API std::filesystem::path getMenuFontPath () const override
virtual MRVIEWER_API void pinTopPanel (bool on)
MRVIEWER_API bool isTopPannelPinned () const
int getTopPanelOpenedHeight () const
int getTopPanelHiddenHeight () const
int getTopPanelCurrentHeight () const
void setTopPanelMaxOpenedTimer (float sec)
virtual MRVIEWER_API void setQuickAccessListVersion (int version)
 set quick access menu item list version
virtual MRVIEWER_API void readQuickAccessList (const Json::Value &root)
 read quick access menu items list from json
MRVIEWER_API void resetQuickAccessList ()
 reset quick access menu items list to default
Vector2i getSceneSize ()
 get Scene List window size
MRVIEWER_API void setSceneSize (const Vector2i &size)
 set Scene List window size
bool hasActiveBlockingItem () const
 returns true if any blocking plugin is now active
bool hasAnyActiveItem () const
 returns true if any plugin is now active
MRVIEWER_API void updateItemStatus (const std::string &itemName)
 updates status of item if it was changed outside of menu
int getActiveTabIndex () const
 returns index of active tab in RibbonSchemaHolder::schema().tabsOrder
RibbonFontManagergetFontManager ()
 get access to Ribbon font manager
RibbonButtonDrawergetRibbonButtonDrawer ()
 get access to Ribbon button drawer
ToolbargetToolbar ()
 get access to Ribbon Toolbar
RibbonNotifiergetRibbonNotifier ()
 get access to Ribbon notifier
void setActiveListPos (const ImVec2 &pos)
void showActiveList ()
 set active plugins list showed
MRVIEWER_API void pushNotification (const RibbonNotification &notification)
bool getAutoCloseBlockingPlugins () const
 returns flag defining if closing plugin on opening another one is enabled
void setAutoCloseBlockingPlugins (bool value)
 sets flag defining if closing plugin on opening another one is enabled or not
RibbonLayoutMode getLayoutMode () const
 returns current layout mode of menu (find more in RibbonLayoutMode comments)
virtual MRVIEWER_API void setLayoutMode (RibbonLayoutMode mode)
 sets new layout mode for menu, will be applied in next frame (find more in RibbonLayoutMode comments)
bool drawGroupUngroupButton (const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Object > > &selected)
bool drawSelectSubtreeButton (const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Object > > &selected)
bool drawCloneButton (const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Object > > &selected)
bool drawCustomCheckBox (const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Object > > &selected, SelectedTypesMask selectedMask)
bool drawCloneSelectionButton (const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Object > > &selected)
bool drawMergeSubtreeButton (const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Object > > &selected)
- Public Member Functions inherited from MR::ImGuiMenu
virtual MRVIEWER_API void initBackend ()
virtual MRVIEWER_API void startFrame ()
virtual MRVIEWER_API void finishFrame ()
virtual MRVIEWER_API void reload_font (int font_size=13)
virtual MRVIEWER_API void draw_menu ()
MRVIEWER_API void draw_helpers ()
virtual MRVIEWER_API void draw_viewer_window ()
MRVIEWER_API void draw_mr_menu ()
virtual void draw_custom_window ()
void draw_labels_window ()
void draw_labels (const VisualObject &obj)
MRVIEWER_API void draw_text (const Viewport &viewport, const Vector3f &pos, const Vector3f &normal, const std::string &text, const Color &color, bool clipByViewport)
MRVIEWER_API float pixel_ratio ()
MRVIEWER_API float hidpi_scaling ()
MRVIEWER_API float menu_scaling () const
MRVIEWER_API ImGuiContext * getCurrentContext () const
ImGuiWindow * getLastFocusedPlugin () const
MRVIEWER_API void showModalMessage (const std::string &msg, NotificationType msgType)
MRVIEWER_API void setDrawTimeMillisecThreshold (long long maxGoodTimeMillisec)
MRVIEWER_API void draw_scene_list ()
MRVIEWER_API void draw_scene_list_content (const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Object > > &selected, const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Object > > &all)
virtual MRVIEWER_API void draw_selection_properties (const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Object > > &selected)
virtual MRVIEWER_API void draw_selection_properties_content (const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Object > > &selected)
bool make_visualize_checkbox (std::vector< std::shared_ptr< VisualObject > > selectedVisualObjs, const char *label, AnyVisualizeMaskEnum type, MR::ViewportMask viewportid, bool invert=false)
template<typename ObjectT >
void make_color_selector (std::vector< std::shared_ptr< ObjectT > > selectedVisualObjs, const char *label, std::function< Vector4f(const ObjectT *)> getter, std::function< void(ObjectT *, const Vector4f &)> setter)
template<typename ObjType >
void make_width (std::vector< std::shared_ptr< VisualObject > > selectedVisualObjs, const char *label, std::function< float(const ObjType *)> getter, std::function< void(ObjType *, const float &)> setter)
void make_light_strength (std::vector< std::shared_ptr< VisualObject > > selectedVisualObjs, const char *label, std::function< float(const VisualObject *)> getter, std::function< void(VisualObject *, const float &)> setter)
template<typename T , typename ObjectType >
void make_slider (std::vector< std::shared_ptr< ObjectType > > selectedVisualObjs, const char *label, std::function< T(const ObjectType *)> getter, std::function< void(ObjectType *, T)> setter, T min, T max)
void make_points_discretization (std::vector< std::shared_ptr< VisualObject > > selectedVisualObjs, const char *label, std::function< int(const ObjectPointsHolder *)> getter, std::function< void(ObjectPointsHolder *, const int &)> setter)
MRVIEWER_API void draw_custom_plugins ()
std::shared_ptr< ShortcutManagergetShortcutManager ()
MRVIEWER_API void add_modifier (std::shared_ptr< MR::MeshModifier > modifier)
MRVIEWER_API void allowSceneReorder (bool allow)
bool checkPossibilityObjectRemoval ()
MRVIEWER_API void allowObjectsRemoval (bool allow)
MRVIEWER_API void tryRenameSelectedObject ()
MRVIEWER_API void setObjectTreeState (const Object *obj, bool open)
MRVIEWER_API void setShowShortcuts (bool val)
MRVIEWER_API bool getShowShortcuts () const
void enableSavedDialogPositions (bool on)
bool isSavedDialogPositionsEnabled () const
virtual MRVIEWER_API UiRenderManagergetUiRenderManager ()
MRVIEWER_API const std::shared_ptr< SceneObjectsListDrawer > & getSceneObjectsList ()
MRVIEWER_API bool simulateNameTagClick (Object &object, NameTagSelectionMode mode)
MRVIEWER_API bool anyImGuiWindowIsHovered () const
MRVIEWER_API bool anyUiObjectIsHovered () const
MRVIEWER_API SelectedTypesMask calcSelectedTypesMask (const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Object > > &selectedObjs)
MRVIEWER_API bool drawGeneralOptions (const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Object > > &selectedObjs)
MRVIEWER_API bool drawAdvancedOptions (const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< VisualObject > > &selectedObjs, SelectedTypesMask selectedMask)
MRVIEWER_API bool drawRemoveButton (const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Object > > &selectedObjs)
MRVIEWER_API bool drawDrawOptionsCheckboxes (const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< VisualObject > > &selectedObjs, SelectedTypesMask selectedMask)
MRVIEWER_API bool drawDrawOptionsColors (const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< VisualObject > > &selectedObjs)
- Public Member Functions inherited from MR::ViewerPlugin
 ViewerPlugin ()
virtual ~ViewerPlugin ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from MR::MultiListener< MouseDownListener, MouseMoveListener, MouseUpListener, MouseScrollListener, CursorEntranceListener, CharPressedListener, KeyDownListener, KeyUpListener, KeyRepeatListener, SpaceMouseMoveListener, SpaceMouseDownListener, TouchpadRotateGestureBeginListener, TouchpadRotateGestureUpdateListener, TouchpadRotateGestureEndListener, TouchpadSwipeGestureBeginListener, TouchpadSwipeGestureUpdateListener, TouchpadSwipeGestureEndListener, TouchpadZoomGestureBeginListener, TouchpadZoomGestureUpdateListener, TouchpadZoomGestureEndListener, PostResizeListener, PostRescaleListener >
virtual ~MultiListener ()=default
virtual void connect (Viewer *viewer, int group=0, boost::signals2::connect_position pos=boost::signals2::connect_position::at_back)
virtual void disconnect ()

Static Public Member Functions

static MRVIEWER_API void cloneTree (const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Object > > &selectedObjects)
 clones given objects with sub-objects (except for ancillary and unrecognized children) and undo
static MRVIEWER_API void cloneSelectedPart (const std::shared_ptr< Object > &object)
 clones selected part of given object as separate object (faces, points)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from MR::ImGuiMenu
static MRVIEWER_API const std::shared_ptr< ImGuiMenu > & instance ()

Public Attributes

TabChangedSignal tabChangedSignal
 this signal is called when active tab changes
- Public Attributes inherited from MR::ImGuiMenu
std::function< void(void)> callback_draw_viewer_window
std::function< void(void)> callback_draw_viewer_menu
std::function< void(void)> callback_draw_custom_window
NameTagClickSignal nameTagClickSignal
DrawSceneUiSignal drawSceneUiSignal
- Public Attributes inherited from MR::ViewerPlugin
std::string plugin_name

Protected Types

using DrawTabConfig = std::vector<DrawGroupConfig>
- Protected Types inherited from MR::ImGuiMenu
enum  ViewportConfigurations { Single , Horizontal , Vertical , Quad }

Protected Member Functions

virtual MRVIEWER_API void drawBigButtonItem_ (const MenuItemInfo &item)
virtual MRVIEWER_API void drawSmallButtonsSet_ (const std::vector< std::string > &group, int setFrontIndex, int setLength, bool withText)
virtual MRVIEWER_API DrawTabConfig setupItemsGroupConfig_ (const std::vector< std::string > &groupsInTab, const std::string &tabName, bool centerItems)
virtual MRVIEWER_API void setupItemsGroup_ (const std::vector< std::string > &groupsInTab, const std::string &tabName)
virtual MRVIEWER_API void drawItemsGroup_ (const std::string &tabName, const std::string &groupName, DrawGroupConfig config)
virtual MRVIEWER_API void itemPressed_ (const std::shared_ptr< RibbonMenuItem > &item, bool available)
virtual MRVIEWER_API void onItemActivated_ (const std::shared_ptr< RibbonMenuItem > &item)
virtual MRVIEWER_API void drawActiveBlockingDialog_ ()
virtual MRVIEWER_API void drawActiveNonBlockingDialogs_ ()
virtual MRVIEWER_API void postResize_ (int width, int height) override
virtual MRVIEWER_API void postRescale_ (float x, float y) override
virtual MRVIEWER_API void drawItemDialog_ (DialogItemPtr &itemPtr)
virtual MRVIEWER_API void drawTopPanel_ (bool drawTabs=true, bool centerItems=false)
virtual MRVIEWER_API void drawRibbonSceneList_ ()
virtual MRVIEWER_API Vector2f drawRibbonSceneResizeLine_ ()
virtual MRVIEWER_API void drawRibbonViewportsLabels_ ()
virtual MRVIEWER_API void drawRibbonSceneInformation_ (const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Object > > &selected)
virtual MRVIEWER_API bool drawCollapsingHeaderTransform_ () override
virtual MRVIEWER_API bool drawTransformContextMenu_ (const std::shared_ptr< Object > &selected) override
virtual MRVIEWER_API void addRibbonItemShortcut_ (const std::string &itemName, const ShortcutKey &key, ShortcutCategory category)
virtual MRVIEWER_API void setupShortcuts_ () override
virtual MRVIEWER_API void drawShortcutsWindow_ () override
virtual MRVIEWER_API void readMenuItemsStructure_ ()
virtual MRVIEWER_API bool drawCollapsingHeader_ (const char *label, ImGuiTreeNodeFlags flags=0) override
virtual MRVIEWER_API void highlightBlocking_ ()
virtual MRVIEWER_API void drawSceneListButtons_ ()
virtual MRVIEWER_API void fixViewportsSize_ (int w, int h)
MRVIEWER_API void drawActiveList_ ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from MR::ImGuiMenu
Vector4f getStoredColor_ (const std::string &str, const Color &defaultColor) const
virtual MRVIEWER_API void drawModalMessage_ ()
virtual MRVIEWER_API bool onMouseDown_ (MouseButton button, int modifier) override
virtual MRVIEWER_API bool onMouseUp_ (MouseButton button, int modifier) override
virtual MRVIEWER_API bool onMouseMove_ (int mouse_x, int mouse_y) override
virtual MRVIEWER_API bool onMouseScroll_ (float delta_y) override
virtual MRVIEWER_API void cursorEntrance_ (bool entered) override
virtual MRVIEWER_API bool onCharPressed_ (unsigned key, int modifiers) override
virtual MRVIEWER_API bool onKeyDown_ (int key, int modifiers) override
virtual MRVIEWER_API bool onKeyUp_ (int key, int modifiers) override
virtual MRVIEWER_API bool onKeyRepeat_ (int key, int modifiers) override
virtual MRVIEWER_API bool spaceMouseMove_ (const Vector3f &translate, const Vector3f &rotate) override
virtual MRVIEWER_API bool spaceMouseDown_ (int key) override
virtual MRVIEWER_API bool touchpadRotateGestureBegin_ () override
virtual MRVIEWER_API bool touchpadRotateGestureUpdate_ (float angle) override
virtual MRVIEWER_API bool touchpadRotateGestureEnd_ () override
virtual MRVIEWER_API bool touchpadSwipeGestureBegin_ () override
virtual MRVIEWER_API bool touchpadSwipeGestureUpdate_ (float deltaX, float deltaY, bool kinetic) override
virtual MRVIEWER_API bool touchpadSwipeGestureEnd_ () override
virtual MRVIEWER_API bool touchpadZoomGestureBegin_ () override
virtual MRVIEWER_API bool touchpadZoomGestureUpdate_ (float scale, bool kinetic) override
virtual MRVIEWER_API bool touchpadZoomGestureEnd_ () override
virtual MRVIEWER_API void rescaleStyle_ ()
virtual MRVIEWER_API void addMenuFontRanges_ (ImFontGlyphRangesBuilder &builder) const
MRVIEWER_API float drawSelectionInformation_ ()
MRVIEWER_API void drawFeaturePropertiesEditor_ (const std::shared_ptr< Object > &object)
virtual MRVIEWER_API void draw_custom_selection_properties (const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Object > > &selected)
MRVIEWER_API float drawTransform_ ()
void draw_history_block_ ()
void draw_open_recent_button_ ()
MRVIEWER_API float getSceneInfoItemWidth_ (int itemCount=1)

Protected Attributes

DialogItemPtr activeBlockingItem_
std::vector< DialogItemPtractiveNonBlockingItems_
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< const Object > > prevFrameSelectedObjectsCache_
RibbonLayoutMode layoutMode_ { RibbonLayoutMode::All }
- Protected Attributes inherited from MR::ImGuiMenu
float hidpi_scaling_
float pixel_ratio_
ImGuiContext * context_ = nullptr
ImGuiWindow * prevFrameFocusPlugin_ = nullptr
bool pollEventsInPreDraw = false
bool showShortcuts_ { false }
bool showStatistics_ { false }
long long frameTimeMillisecThreshold_ { 25 }
bool showRenameModal_ { false }
std::string renameBuffer_
std::string popUpRenameBuffer_
bool needModalBgChange_ { false }
bool showInfoModal_ { false }
std::string storedModalMessage_
NotificationType modalMessageType_ { NotificationType::Error }
std::shared_ptr< ShortcutManagershortcutManager_
ImVec2 sceneWindowPos_
ImVec2 sceneWindowSize_
ImVec2 mainWindowPos_
ImVec2 mainWindowSize_
bool savedDialogPositionEnabled_ { false }
std::weak_ptr< ObjectlastRenameObj_
Box3f selectionBbox_
Box3f selectionWorldBox_
struct MR::ImGuiMenu::LabelParams oldLabelParams_
bool allowRemoval_ { true }
bool uniformScale_ { true }
bool xfHistUpdated_ { false }
bool invertedRotation_ { false }
std::optional< std::pair< std::string, Vector4f > > storedColor_
struct MR::ImGuiMenu::PluginsCache pluginsCache_
std::string searchPluginsString_
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< MR::MeshModifier > > modifiers_
enum MR::ImGuiMenu::ViewportConfigurations Single
bool selectionChangedToSingleObj_ { false }
ViewportId selectedViewport_ = {}
std::weak_ptr< ObjecteditedFeatureObject_
AffineXf3f editedFeatureObjectOldXf_
bool capturedMouse_ { false }
std::unique_ptr< UiRenderManagerImpluiRenderManager_
std::shared_ptr< SceneObjectsListDrawersceneObjectsList_
- Protected Attributes inherited from MR::ViewerPlugin
Viewerviewer = &getViewerInstance()

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ DrawTabConfig

using MR::RibbonMenu::DrawTabConfig = std::vector<DrawGroupConfig>

◆ TabChangedSignal

using MR::RibbonMenu::TabChangedSignal = boost::signals2::signal<void( int prevTabId, int newTabId )>

Member Function Documentation

◆ addRibbonItemShortcut_()

virtual MRVIEWER_API void MR::RibbonMenu::addRibbonItemShortcut_ ( const std::string & itemName,
const ShortcutKey & key,
ShortcutCategory category )

◆ cloneSelectedPart()

static MRVIEWER_API void MR::RibbonMenu::cloneSelectedPart ( const std::shared_ptr< Object > & object)

clones selected part of given object as separate object (faces, points)

◆ cloneTree()

static MRVIEWER_API void MR::RibbonMenu::cloneTree ( const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Object > > & selectedObjects)

clones given objects with sub-objects (except for ancillary and unrecognized children) and undo

◆ drawActiveBlockingDialog_()

virtual MRVIEWER_API void MR::RibbonMenu::drawActiveBlockingDialog_ ( )

◆ drawActiveList_()

MRVIEWER_API void MR::RibbonMenu::drawActiveList_ ( )

◆ drawActiveNonBlockingDialogs_()

virtual MRVIEWER_API void MR::RibbonMenu::drawActiveNonBlockingDialogs_ ( )

◆ drawBigButtonItem_()

virtual MRVIEWER_API void MR::RibbonMenu::drawBigButtonItem_ ( const MenuItemInfo & item)

◆ drawCloneButton()

bool MR::RibbonMenu::drawCloneButton ( const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Object > > & selected)

◆ drawCloneSelectionButton()

bool MR::RibbonMenu::drawCloneSelectionButton ( const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Object > > & selected)

◆ drawCollapsingHeader_()

virtual MRVIEWER_API bool MR::RibbonMenu::drawCollapsingHeader_ ( const char * label,
ImGuiTreeNodeFlags flags = 0 )

Reimplemented from MR::ImGuiMenu.

◆ drawCollapsingHeaderTransform_()

virtual MRVIEWER_API bool MR::RibbonMenu::drawCollapsingHeaderTransform_ ( )

Reimplemented from MR::ImGuiMenu.

◆ drawCustomCheckBox()

bool MR::RibbonMenu::drawCustomCheckBox ( const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Object > > & selected,
SelectedTypesMask selectedMask )

◆ drawGroupUngroupButton()

bool MR::RibbonMenu::drawGroupUngroupButton ( const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Object > > & selected)

◆ drawItemDialog_()

virtual MRVIEWER_API void MR::RibbonMenu::drawItemDialog_ ( DialogItemPtr & itemPtr)

◆ drawItemsGroup_()

virtual MRVIEWER_API void MR::RibbonMenu::drawItemsGroup_ ( const std::string & tabName,
const std::string & groupName,
DrawGroupConfig config )

◆ drawMergeSubtreeButton()

bool MR::RibbonMenu::drawMergeSubtreeButton ( const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Object > > & selected)

◆ drawRibbonSceneInformation_()

virtual MRVIEWER_API void MR::RibbonMenu::drawRibbonSceneInformation_ ( const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Object > > & selected)

◆ drawRibbonSceneList_()

virtual MRVIEWER_API void MR::RibbonMenu::drawRibbonSceneList_ ( )

◆ drawRibbonSceneResizeLine_()

virtual MRVIEWER_API Vector2f MR::RibbonMenu::drawRibbonSceneResizeLine_ ( )

◆ drawRibbonViewportsLabels_()

virtual MRVIEWER_API void MR::RibbonMenu::drawRibbonViewportsLabels_ ( )

◆ drawSceneListButtons_()

virtual MRVIEWER_API void MR::RibbonMenu::drawSceneListButtons_ ( )

◆ drawSelectSubtreeButton()

bool MR::RibbonMenu::drawSelectSubtreeButton ( const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Object > > & selected)

◆ drawShortcutsWindow_()

virtual MRVIEWER_API void MR::RibbonMenu::drawShortcutsWindow_ ( )

Reimplemented from MR::ImGuiMenu.

◆ drawSmallButtonsSet_()

virtual MRVIEWER_API void MR::RibbonMenu::drawSmallButtonsSet_ ( const std::vector< std::string > & group,
int setFrontIndex,
int setLength,
bool withText )

◆ drawTopPanel_()

virtual MRVIEWER_API void MR::RibbonMenu::drawTopPanel_ ( bool drawTabs = true,
bool centerItems = false )

◆ drawTransformContextMenu_()

virtual MRVIEWER_API bool MR::RibbonMenu::drawTransformContextMenu_ ( const std::shared_ptr< Object > & selected)

Reimplemented from MR::ImGuiMenu.

◆ fixViewportsSize_()

virtual MRVIEWER_API void MR::RibbonMenu::fixViewportsSize_ ( int w,
int h )

◆ getActiveTabIndex()

int MR::RibbonMenu::getActiveTabIndex ( ) const

returns index of active tab in RibbonSchemaHolder::schema().tabsOrder

◆ getAutoCloseBlockingPlugins()

bool MR::RibbonMenu::getAutoCloseBlockingPlugins ( ) const

returns flag defining if closing plugin on opening another one is enabled

◆ getFontManager()

RibbonFontManager & MR::RibbonMenu::getFontManager ( )

get access to Ribbon font manager

◆ getLayoutMode()

RibbonLayoutMode MR::RibbonMenu::getLayoutMode ( ) const

returns current layout mode of menu (find more in RibbonLayoutMode comments)

◆ getMenuFontPath()

virtual MRVIEWER_API std::filesystem::path MR::RibbonMenu::getMenuFontPath ( ) const

Reimplemented from MR::ImGuiMenu.

◆ getRibbonButtonDrawer()

RibbonButtonDrawer & MR::RibbonMenu::getRibbonButtonDrawer ( )

get access to Ribbon button drawer

◆ getRibbonNotifier()

RibbonNotifier & MR::RibbonMenu::getRibbonNotifier ( )

get access to Ribbon notifier

◆ getSceneSize()

Vector2i MR::RibbonMenu::getSceneSize ( )

get Scene List window size

◆ getToolbar()

Toolbar & MR::RibbonMenu::getToolbar ( )

get access to Ribbon Toolbar

◆ getTopPanelCurrentHeight()

int MR::RibbonMenu::getTopPanelCurrentHeight ( ) const

◆ getTopPanelHiddenHeight()

int MR::RibbonMenu::getTopPanelHiddenHeight ( ) const

◆ getTopPanelOpenedHeight()

int MR::RibbonMenu::getTopPanelOpenedHeight ( ) const

◆ hasActiveBlockingItem()

bool MR::RibbonMenu::hasActiveBlockingItem ( ) const

returns true if any blocking plugin is now active

◆ hasAnyActiveItem()

bool MR::RibbonMenu::hasAnyActiveItem ( ) const

returns true if any plugin is now active

◆ highlightBlocking_()

virtual MRVIEWER_API void MR::RibbonMenu::highlightBlocking_ ( )

◆ init()

virtual MRVIEWER_API void MR::RibbonMenu::init ( MR::Viewer * _viewer)

Reimplemented from MR::ImGuiMenu.

◆ isTopPannelPinned()

MRVIEWER_API bool MR::RibbonMenu::isTopPannelPinned ( ) const

◆ itemPressed_()

virtual MRVIEWER_API void MR::RibbonMenu::itemPressed_ ( const std::shared_ptr< RibbonMenuItem > & item,
bool available )

◆ load_font()

virtual MRVIEWER_API void MR::RibbonMenu::load_font ( int font_size = 13)

Reimplemented from MR::ImGuiMenu.

◆ onItemActivated_()

virtual MRVIEWER_API void MR::RibbonMenu::onItemActivated_ ( const std::shared_ptr< RibbonMenuItem > & item)

◆ openToolbarCustomize()

MRVIEWER_API void MR::RibbonMenu::openToolbarCustomize ( )

open Toolbar Customize modal popup

◆ pinTopPanel()

virtual MRVIEWER_API void MR::RibbonMenu::pinTopPanel ( bool on)

◆ postRescale_()

virtual MRVIEWER_API void MR::RibbonMenu::postRescale_ ( float x,
float y )

Reimplemented from MR::ImGuiMenu.

◆ postResize_()

virtual MRVIEWER_API void MR::RibbonMenu::postResize_ ( int width,
int height )

Reimplemented from MR::ImGuiMenu.

◆ pushNotification()

MRVIEWER_API void MR::RibbonMenu::pushNotification ( const RibbonNotification & notification)

adds new notification to notifier list draws it first

◆ readMenuItemsStructure_()

virtual MRVIEWER_API void MR::RibbonMenu::readMenuItemsStructure_ ( )

◆ readQuickAccessList()

virtual MRVIEWER_API void MR::RibbonMenu::readQuickAccessList ( const Json::Value & root)

read quick access menu items list from json

◆ resetQuickAccessList()

MRVIEWER_API void MR::RibbonMenu::resetQuickAccessList ( )

reset quick access menu items list to default

◆ setActiveListPos()

void MR::RibbonMenu::setActiveListPos ( const ImVec2 & pos)

◆ setAutoCloseBlockingPlugins()

void MR::RibbonMenu::setAutoCloseBlockingPlugins ( bool value)

sets flag defining if closing plugin on opening another one is enabled or not

◆ setCustomContextCheckbox()

MRVIEWER_API void MR::RibbonMenu::setCustomContextCheckbox ( const std::string & name,
CustomContextMenuCheckbox customContextMenuCheckbox )

◆ setLayoutMode()

virtual MRVIEWER_API void MR::RibbonMenu::setLayoutMode ( RibbonLayoutMode mode)

sets new layout mode for menu, will be applied in next frame (find more in RibbonLayoutMode comments)

◆ setQuickAccessListVersion()

virtual MRVIEWER_API void MR::RibbonMenu::setQuickAccessListVersion ( int version)

set quick access menu item list version

◆ setSceneSize()

MRVIEWER_API void MR::RibbonMenu::setSceneSize ( const Vector2i & size)

set Scene List window size

◆ setTopPanelMaxOpenedTimer()

void MR::RibbonMenu::setTopPanelMaxOpenedTimer ( float sec)

◆ setupItemsGroup_()

virtual MRVIEWER_API void MR::RibbonMenu::setupItemsGroup_ ( const std::vector< std::string > & groupsInTab,
const std::string & tabName )

◆ setupItemsGroupConfig_()

virtual MRVIEWER_API DrawTabConfig MR::RibbonMenu::setupItemsGroupConfig_ ( const std::vector< std::string > & groupsInTab,
const std::string & tabName,
bool centerItems )

◆ setupShortcuts_()

virtual MRVIEWER_API void MR::RibbonMenu::setupShortcuts_ ( )

Reimplemented from MR::ImGuiMenu.

◆ showActiveList()

void MR::RibbonMenu::showActiveList ( )

set active plugins list showed

◆ shutdown()

virtual MRVIEWER_API void MR::RibbonMenu::shutdown ( )

Reimplemented from MR::ImGuiMenu.

◆ updateItemStatus()

MRVIEWER_API void MR::RibbonMenu::updateItemStatus ( const std::string & itemName)

updates status of item if it was changed outside of menu

Member Data Documentation

◆ activeBlockingItem_

DialogItemPtr MR::RibbonMenu::activeBlockingItem_

◆ activeNonBlockingItems_

std::vector<DialogItemPtr> MR::RibbonMenu::activeNonBlockingItems_

◆ layoutMode_

RibbonLayoutMode MR::RibbonMenu::layoutMode_ { RibbonLayoutMode::All }

◆ prevFrameSelectedObjectsCache_

std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const Object> > MR::RibbonMenu::prevFrameSelectedObjectsCache_

◆ tabChangedSignal

TabChangedSignal MR::RibbonMenu::tabChangedSignal

this signal is called when active tab changes

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: