No Matches
MRFloatGrid.h File Reference
#include "MRMeshFwd.h"
#include "MRProgressCallback.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


namespace  MR


MRMESH_API size_t MR::heapBytes (const FloatGrid &grid)
 returns the amount of heap memory occupied by grid
MRMESH_API FloatGrid MR::resampled (const FloatGrid &grid, float voxelScale, ProgressCallback cb={})
 resample this grid to fit voxelScale
MRMESH_API FloatGrid MR::resampled (const FloatGrid &grid, const Vector3f &voxelScale, ProgressCallback cb={})
 resample this grid to fit voxelScale
MRMESH_API FloatGrid MR::cropped (const FloatGrid &grid, const Box3i &box, ProgressCallback cb={})
 returns cropped grid
MRMESH_API float MR::getValue (const FloatGrid &grid, const Vector3i &p)
 returns the value at given voxel
MRMESH_API void MR::setValue (FloatGrid &grid, const VoxelBitSet &region, float value)
MRMESH_API void MR::setLevelSetType (FloatGrid &grid)
 sets type of this grid as LEVEL SET (for normal flipping)
MRMESH_API FloatGrid MR::operator+= (FloatGrid &a, const FloatGrid &b)
MRMESH_API FloatGrid MR::operator-= (FloatGrid &a, const FloatGrid &b)
MRMESH_API FloatGrid MR::operator*= (FloatGrid &a, const FloatGrid &b)